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Thread: Urgent, The Rife Forum might be Forced to Go Offline in 2019!

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    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default Urgent, The Rife Forum might be Forced to Go Offline in 2019!

    Christmas Message to the Rife Forum Members

    In this video, Peter Walker presents his first video Christmas message to the members. He discusses how he got involved with Rife back in the 90s, and how this led to him running the largest Rife communities.

    He also discusses his plans for 2019 and also his urgent plea to help meet the costs to keep the forum online. We need at least $2000 in order to ensure the forum can remain online after this year.

    We have only received half the funds we need to run the forum which is putting him seriously out of pocket. There are no funds left to pay important charges in January and unless new money can be raised to make up this shortfall by the end of the year, this forum and even and are in danger of going offline until new funds can be raised.

    Peter is trying hard to start new sources of funding, but it will take months before they start to take effect. We urgently need your help to keep the Rife Forum alive in 2019, the lack of subscriptions has used up all available reserves and there is nothing Peter can do to make up the shortfall in time, himself.

    So if the Rife Forum has helped you in the past and you find it to be a good resource, please help us by subscribing to the Premium Area (you can now use your credit cards), donating via PayPal or even buying something on Peter's new online shop: Gadget Heaven (all profits from 2018 are being used to help fund the forum).

    In order to encourage you further, all premium subscriptions will have their time doubled until the end of the year. Order a month and get two, order a year and get two as well.

    Use the "rifeforum" promo code on Gadget Heaven for a 10% discount plus a month's free premium membership (minimum order $50 for orders until the end of the year.)

    If you cannot donate anything, you can still help us by telling your friends about the Rife Forum, Gadget Heaven and the Rife Shop on social media. Encourage your friends to visit and join.

    See the video or the transcript below for more details.



    But first, it's time for you to meet Peter Walker for his first video message to you all...

    Also available on Brighteon:



    Full Transcript:
    (Note: This was taken from YouTube's automatic subtitles that were then corrected. Punctuation is largely missing from this transcript).

    0:00:00 Intro:
    Welcome to this Christmas message from the Rife Forum my name is Peter Walker and I'm the one who actually runs the Rife Forum it was my work which built it all up and we're going to be talking about the right forum as such what we've achieved and much more in this special Christmas message 2018 this is the first time I've taken to video to talk to you guys so a lot of you will not know what I look like here I am my Peter Walker I'm British in case you hadn't noticed on my British accent I actually live in Germany and it's from here I run the Rife Forum which has become the central hub for the Rife community worldwide to talk about Rife topics in general whether it be technical issues health issues helping people whether you're just a simple member with some health issue and looking for problems or someone involving their technology trying to find sort of the best way of doing it oh yeah it is to come the hub and the center for finding out relevant information about rife research around the world it has been a project which for me has been very close to my heart.

    0:01:27 Why Rife?
    I got involved in rife technology back in the 90s where my father developed cancer and the internet was new back then I was using CompuServe as well and my father had prostate cancer and I just thought well you keep reading all these reports in the newspapers about some wonderful cures which are being developed so I thought I would investigate it so at first we looked at conventional medicine what I could find I soon worked out that they constantly talked about some new developments but then it was always said, well you know this and this whatever it was, but we are just going to take 10 years before it can reach the market this new method so after reading that a few times it was always 10 years and they need some funds now on in 10 years they will come up with some marvelous new method of curing cancer I thought ok, I'm clever I understand this so I went to the library, I found newspapers from 11 years ago I thought give them a little bit of play 11 years ago, 11 years previous to that time and I looked up what kind of miracle cures were being talked about then. Then I tried to contact the groups which were mentioned to find out you know basically my idea was to say "hey 10 years are up, where is your therapy" yeah it sounds good for me it was a logical thing to do I was laughed at yeah they all everybody involved in these things they've done the research and stuff but they told me very clearly that although they've done their research it would never become mainstream medicine, only pharmaceuticals, you know like chemotherapy or surgery or what would be allowed for treating patients and whatever miracle cures is, you're allowed to research it, but it will never be allowed to become mainstream because there's such a stranglehold on the industry because they make a lot of money with chemotherapy. Anyway I thought ok I've understood this you know this was several researchers independently told me this story and it made me think my god you know all these people paying money for cancer research and then nothing ever comes up they do the research but then it's never offered to the patients then I thought wait a minute there's also alternative medicine so I started investigating alternative medicine until I found this one text message RIFE.TXT which was on CompuServe in the natural medicine forum, in fact I still have that text they talked about the Royal Rife Research Society and their work in talking about rife now I read the message I read what they were saying this was my first exposure first time I heard about Royal Rife and I thought about it now I was good at physics yeah I loved physics at school I learned about these things and the whole concept of resonance and being able to somehow vibrate viruses and bacteria and whatever for resonance just make perfect sense to me it just said so wow this that could be it I just loved it, it just was great so I started investigating Rife therapy very difficult to do, there was hardly any information around on the Internet the few people who are around were very much in the shadows and there was one group called the Rife-List which was discussing it, but they were a very technical list and it was really you know a list for engineers not for anybody who's looking for help and I just realized, there is such tremendous potential in this therapy and nobody knows about it, it's really hard to find information and there was no simple groups so I started my own Rife discussion group aimed at people who were not engineers, it was aimed at the person looking for help I also discussed and talked to many Rife researchers around the world and this really got me interested of course I sent this information to my father but unfortunately you know I was too late in the day to help my father my father died of cancer I could have stopped then but I was somehow fascinated, the whole concept of resonance to cure people I just had this strong feeling this information has to be out there.

    0:06:23 Getting Started:
    So, I not only started my own Rife Group I also got my Rife website called I live in Germany, de would be the typical domain for Germany and the domain was free nobody had taken it at that time so I registered and that website is still online now well it's developed a lot over the years we've got a lot of information and I've been doing a lot of research over the years but I really felt that Rife therapy was something which people needed to know about I really felt you know this is it I wasn't doing it for financial gain or anything I was doing this because I felt this was a good thing and it needs to be helped you know I don't I don't sell Rife devices, I'm just doing this I've I finance everything myself and when it was getting too much because the more I expanded the more costs I had with traveling we've researched we're running the websites and stuff that I had to start asking people to help finance this research so over the years, I started asking for donations and whatever anyway we'll come back to that later. So that's where I'm coming from and I found there are so many fantastic people out there doing fantastic work we're just having no way to find my platform the onelist on Rife and then later I am in 2002 I started the Rife Forum which has become the world's largest organized platform for discussing Rife therapy we have about 15,000 members and OH tens of thousands of very good posts on there. It's being built up over the years it's a fantastic resource for anybody researching cancer if I had the knowledge I had now back then when I started I could have probably helped my father he might still be alive today although he was 77 when he died so maybe not but I could have maybe given him a few more years. This information is my present to you all this research all this work I've been actively contacting Rife researchers around the world I've been going to talking to them interviewing them I've flown to places like Australia to the USA I've been at the Rife conferences I've been really putting my heart and soul into telling the story of Rife not for my own gain, but for your gain it's because I believe in it because I believe it is something good the Rife Forum has been going now for many years we had a little bit of an issue in 2017 the Rife Forum went offline due to technical issues it was basically a botched upgrade I was trying to upgrade from a very old version of the vBulletin forum software to a more modern version and due to a number of technical issues basically it got, oh they were unsolvable for a while and it took me about six months there I can get all the issues solved I had to hire professional help to solve some of them because of some of the problems were just too complex so it cost me a lot of time we lost and we lost quite a few members because if the forum goes offline for six months you know people stopped going there because they can't reach it of course you know the forum is back online you've been online again throughout 2018 and members have come back but it's not as active as it used to be there are a number of reasons for that but anyway the problems were I've also been investing in the forum improving the technology we've gone to SSL security to improve the security for you we've done a number of things in order to improve the forum got this new form layout which is better if it's all just to make the Rife Forum continue to be a modern forum safe for you to come and discuss Rife technology and make it a place where we welcome all.

    0:10:56 2018 – Translating a Book!
    What have I been doing in 2018 apart from running the Rife forum? Well... One job I've been doing is translating this book it's a German language book by a Dr. med. Stefan Rastocny he's what I would call it to put it in simple terms Germany's "Rife!" It's got quite a lot of information in here and I can thoroughly recommend it of course I'm sure most of you don't speak German I've been translating this book into English my translation is complete it's going through the publishing process and this book will be released in English in 2019 I hope early 2019 you will be hearing about it on the Rife Forum it's fantastic this doctor... let me explain something about Stefan Rastocny I've known him for a few years now through my Rife research he's been very active in in the German resonance therapy research and he started out with a system for women, I mean he's a trained gynecologist okay he's a very highly trained doctor who's also head doctor and many hospitals and he's got quite an interesting career but as a gynecologist he used this frequency therapy to cure menstrual pain you've had women who had 40 years of menstrual pain and he's been able to cure it in weeks, what does he use?
    This German made Rife device it used to be called BioWave now we're not allowed to use that name anymore it's now called the BW21 although this is the BW77 I have in my hand even that has stopped being available there is now I knew a new company VEGET I think it is which I will put up there in the corner give you some information and he uses this basically, to take the example of menstrual pain, you have these little chip cards and they have the programming on it it's plugged into this device you have two wires coming out putting pads on the body and basically you run this program round the clock for about two to three weeks, three weeks is better running maybe three four times often the programs run three four hours but it's best if you can run this around the clock whatever you're treating and what happened? Women who had not oh... no other doctors have been able to help with menstrual pain we're curing their menstrual pain in those three weeks it didn't come back it was gone you know their pain levels went from 10 down to about one or two it was amazing and he was inundated in women coming for this treatment because just through word of mouth, if you're suffering from forty years of heavy menstrual pain every month and then suddenly you're cured you're going to tell your friends about that. He then moved on away he closed his gynecological practice and went into and just opened his own private practice. He's now treating people from a wide range of therapies and he's having tremendous success I have recommended at least a hundred people to go and see him I go there myself I treat myself my brother goes there my sister goes there my mother-in-law goes there, my whole family goes to goes to see him but also that you know I've been sending people to him because lots of people ask me oh, where can I get good therapy. Everybody has been helped more or less not everybody's been cured of everything some things are difficult but everybody I've sent to him as improved, he's able to cure Lyme disease in a few weeks, I don't say I'm not saying reduce it or I'm saying curing it that means you get rid of the disease. He's been going on his own costs to Africa and curing the whole towns of malaria as part of his own research using these devices, that's all it is this plus a diagnostic unit he uses the BICOM device which he can use for diagnosis to find out what people have, he compares the frequencies we've got a whole range of vials and he's worked out the frequencies for the resonance frequency for each vial and so when he can identify which disease you have and through resonance testing he applies them on this device. This device you buy, borrow or rent from him you treat yourself a few weeks gone you're happy it's been such an amazing journey following this guy and I really think this is something which needs to be talked about on the Rife Forum. I've talked to him he's a little bit shy of public communication because there are so many doctors who've fallen to hard times because they've been attacked by Orthodox medicine. But I think I've convinced him that he will he will be shown because he wants to share his methods with people who understand the state we're interested in these things and we've discussed this that we'll be introducing this therapy discussing this therapy next year on the Rife Forum when his book has been released. We are obviously waiting for the book because you guys need to buy the book in order to understand what is coming because he describes methods in the book and that you know and buying and reading the book is going to be the basis of teaching you guys how to use these methods. Now this is not something which somebody has dreamt up in their home office or whatever this is a really highly professional doctor who spent years of work researching this now how does he check the frequencies he has one of the Grayfield microscopes do you remember the Rife microscope was able to see viruses and bacteria, well the Grayfield microscope, it was previously known under the name Ergonom microscope is the microscope I've been personally involved in marketing and making people aware of and he has one of those, he can see at one of the best oh he has an excellent one he can see living viruses and bacteria and with that he can check the frequencies he's worked out and see under the microscope if they work tremendous that's why I say he's like the German "Rife!" He does not say it's Rife therapy it isn't Rife therapy the frequencies are his own development they're not Rife frequencies you won't find his frequencies on any of the Rife lists which are going around the frequency range is normally from 100 kHz to 300 kHz that kind of frequency range in you so you don't feel it when you put it you basically you've take the 15 volts you run the frequencies around the clock you have to keep up the therapy and then it gets to all the cells and kills it off you need to keep the therapy up for that period but it works and I'm so excited to tell you guys about this therapy because this is no idiot, he's highly professional he's done excellent work and he's written it in his book and he wants to offer training to people interested. I will be helping him and I think the Rife community really needs to support this because it's groundbreaking you see here in Germany Rife therapy is legal. Doctors can actually openly treat people with this therapy as long as they're using certified devices which this device is fully medCE (EU's "FDA") certified in Europe so anyone in Europe can use these of course you can use them in the states they're not certified in the USA, but it's the same device is certified in Europe in Germany doctors can openly use Rife therapy without legal consequences and so it's a much better atmosphere than you have in the USA where basically everything is on the underground because it's such a difficult environment legally in Germany these things these devices have been selling in their thousands now it's not just Stefan Rastocny who has been using these devices there are hundreds of practitioners who have been using these devices in Germany and they've been discussing I've been going to their conferences I've been learning from them because you know I just said good now let me just put this straight I'm not earning any money for talking about these things nobody's paying me any money for talking about this device or another device or whatever I talk about this one because it works that's the question I have it I use it myself I know it works and a lot of people need devices which are not so expensive these devices are much cheaper than many American devices which have no certification and are good devices sure these are fully medically certified high quality made in Germany they're not made in China they're made in Germany and with real doctors who've done the research there are hundreds of these little chip cards for a range of diseases and I can only say it's a good thing to do you know that's what I get from when people ask me what Rife device do I use and which I recommend I say this one okay this particular one is no longer available as a successor which I'm talking about on the Rife Forum.

    0:21:31 Rife Video Interviews
    Another thing I want to do in the Rife Forum is start a series of video interviews, that is I'm going to be contacting or maybe these guys will contact me prominent members of the Rife community and build up a Skype connection and then do an online interview video interview with them talking about what they're doing how they're doing it finding out how things are getting on as I feel this is a fantastic way of getting people to better understand who people are what's behind them whatever I'm not charging these companies a penny for these interviews they can't charge me either, because we have no money but what is happening is that these videos will be in the premium area of the Rife Forum. The Rife Forum premium area means you have to pay money to be able to access this but you can have two dollars for about three days right up to $50 for a whole year or as new if you want to do lifetime memberships $150 and then you pay that and you've got lifetime access to the premium area the idea is with these new interviews we're going to have new material and I'm just going to be very interesting material I'm sure because everybody who's got their heart and soul in the Rife community has done something interesting and my job is... I see my role as a journalist as someone investigating finding out how things is but a benign journalist I'm not there to knock you down or make you look bad I'm there to find out what you're doing so that the world could learn from it and that's I think as I've seen as my role in the Rife community investigating myself and providing the platform for the and and now also and the we also had and providing this information to you the people who need this information because I just wish this resource had been there what I needed it for my father.

    0:24:07 Peter's Investment
    So that's really what kind of drives me behind this, but I got to the situation you know I have spent over the years I've worked it out recently from when I started back in the 90s to today I have spent about $100,000 in running all this stuff on my own thing that which is very noble of me but you know at some point like now you kind of run out of money because they're so I'm really dependent now on you guys to help keep the Rife Forum alive and please stay tuned we'll talk about how you can help us at the end of this video but I have a lot of interesting news still to cover which I think this should be a valuable video for you and I like this video format I think it is great to explain things to the Rife community through the video format and I hope to be making or I will be making a lot more of these videos for you in the future explaining how to use the forum interviews with important people new news and events I am well equipped and well trained in using video as a medium I know what I'm doing to make a video and that's exactly what we're going to be doing here.

    0:25:44 The Rife Shop?
    And now a message to the people who are involved in creating something for Rife whether it be some devices some information a book a video whatever it is information frequency lists whatever you have if it's Rife related and it's relevant to the Rife community, tell us about it I've got a special place for you it's called the Rife Shop now some people say the name is a misleading name because I think oh this is the kind of place where you buy stuff whereas I'm actually not selling anything on the Rife Shop I'm giving you information for free now let me be fair let me be open my intention with the Rife Shop is to arrange with the companies I'm linking to that they contribute in some way towards either the costs or instead of the cost if they maybe contribute video material audio material knowledge something which can we can put in the Rife Forum which would be valuable to you guys.

    0:26:51 Censorship
    The idea of the Rife Shop is basically because it is very hard to find all the Rife resources out there, there are lots of little websites which maybe have been made hard to find ever since big tech has introduced censorship and now you may have heard about the censorship against political parties and the Conservatives are being heavily censored on Google and Facebook on whatever what you're the Republicans or whatever in the USA but and the Democrats they are also being censored to a certain extent but we're not interested in politics here, this is a politics free area we're not talking about politicians we're talking about access to information about your alternative medicine your health you're Rife and unfortunately censorship has been affecting the alternative medicine field as well best example of that their YouTube channel was deleted now completely removed hundreds or thousands buying thousands of videos about how to improve your health was just wiped off the face of the earth, deleted

    0:28:11 Brighteon Videos
    Now right now the Health Ranger, Mike Adams started his own video channel called and that's where he's putting his videos he did because he needed because he had been banned on YouTube so he needed a channel which he wouldn't be banned from well it so he started his own video and that's become a video channel for interesting alternative news in videos and we've extended on the Rife Forum the ability to link in or embed videos from the format there are instructions on the website but it's basically just a matter of clicking the Brighteon button of the advanced editor and putting the number not the whole link the number of the video in between the brackets but we will explain that to you in either a further video or in a text post in the information area of the forum a general information area.

    0:29:33 Links Directory.
    So basically if you want to find out where manufacturers of Rife devices are, people who write books, people who make videos if you're looking for companies involved in Rife research then go to the you will not only find general information about the website you'll see a screenshot of their website you'll find our own review we have reviewed them all yet but we are getting to it everyone is, we're going to try and review it we're going to say the good and bad of each website and tell you if the websites are mobile-friendly very important in today's age that your websites are mobile-friendly if they have SSL connection very important for security and how relevant the information how well updated so basically we're doing a review of a range of websites now you as the viewer you don't pay a thing go to the Rife Shop you find out about the websites which can help you doesn't cost you a penny you just have to go there we just ask if you're running a Rife website yourself we ask that you link to us that you like link to the Rife Shop it can replace your own links directory because every little website has their own links directory but there's only like two or three websites we're trying to cover them all we're trying to say we are running the Rife Shop as the links directory for the Rife community that's the aim now I don't pretend to know every web site it's very possible that there is some really good website which I have missed I now I've still got some websites on my list which I haven't added yet so I certainly haven't yet added every website which I know about. If you think we're missing a website please tell us about it and we'll do our best to add it.

    0:31:28 We Need Your Help
    So I've told you something from my heart about what I feel is important for the Rife community I put my heart and soul into building up the Rife Forum which was online for a while and this now is basically hidden on but if you do you still get there and I've done all these things to help you because that's really a big thing now I want to continue to do this I've really feel this is an important thing but at the end of the day I still have to eat and pay my bills and right now the amount of time and the amount of resources I have to invest into the Rife Forum has gone beyond what I'm earning so I've got to the point where I basically run out of things now I'm not someone who wants to stand here and say oh please give me money I want to say I'm trying hard and I am trying hard so what am I doing in order to fix things, the new video channel we're going to try and do as many nice video interviews as well I want to put really worthwhile material new material into the premium area I want people to have a good reason to pay a subscription to the Rife Forum premium area with new material new interviews and stuff that is something which I feel is well overdue I have some good ideas on doing this I'm working on that and that will benefit all you guys okay now the forum has been financing itself through subscription payments all these years you know we right at the beginning we started advertising and then some people didn't like the fact we were advertising and we came to a conclusion okay we'll stop the advertising we'll just ask people to subscribe and I always said as long as subscription payments pay the bills I'm fine with that but that didn't work this year we got half the money we needed and it's not a joke what we're writing what we need what we need is based on our expenses it's more expensive than most people realize it's not just a matter of having a server but it's all the effort put into it I have to pay license fees for various materials for all software which is used and basically we can cover the costs when I when we get the full amount we ask for where nobody's making a profit here but I can't afford to make a loss anymore though I ran it as a loss leader for a long time, but I just can't afford to do that anymore so if the Rife Forum is going to continue to remain online, we need to cover the costs we're halfway there for 2018 and were in December, so obviously we're way behind but I have great trust in you guys I know you guys will recognize when something is important.

    0:34:52 Gadget Heaven
    On my side I just started Gadget Heaven it's a new online shop it has nothing to do with Rife okay it's an online shop I want to sell gadgets I always been a gadget guy I always like loved my gadgets and so thought okay let's let me start selling gadgets and you guys are basically the first people to go there I've started advertising I've started getting it running but as you know any online shop takes a while before people know it's there and the point behind gadget heaven is I look out for really cool interesting gadgets which you can't buy at your local shop okay it's important you know it's they've got to be good. I learn about them test them get them myself if I can and basically tell you and I'm going to be doing online videos on Gadget Heaven as well, testing each individual thing we're selling and basically the idea is I am going to offer some cool gadgets, you guys can go there and buy them you'll get some cool stuff some cool gadgets and part of the money which you pay will come back and it's going to help fund the Rife Forum and whatever I'm doing I obviously earn something as well so I thought this is a great way of helping people now I must admit there are not a lot of products on there now I'm still working on building up the products because I don't want to just put any old junk on the website now I want to sell things where I feel it is valuable is people going to take an interest in it and things that you need you know things which are quality and let me give you an example yes this is the product which has been selling the best so far you all know if you have like you know we've all got smart phones in our pockets yeah this is mine one of one of mine I've got several. It's a Huawei P20, if anybody is interested we all have these things and what do we have to do every day, we have to charge them or even connect them to the computer whatever but you know you know getting the cable and it's fiddly sort of trying to get the cable in every time you know if it's the micro USB format, then you have to look out which we round it goes in and you got to get it just the right angle and then if anybody's used micro USB cables knows that those cables break pretty quickly you know I have thrown away so many micro USB cables simply because they don't work so what can you do about this how can you fix this and that's where these cables are, this is an example of what I'm offering on Gadget Heaven because I like things which solve problems and really good these are magnetic that means to connect this to the phone you just have to hold the cable close and then it connects. I didn't even have to touch the phone, well on that side obviously, pull it off I like but you just have to put it nearby and it connects and you can still use this for data you can use your data it will fast charge your phone and here's the neat bit, right because I've had and tested various versions of this yeah and some of them have different cables for micro USB than for USB-C or Lightning (Apple). so this clever bit is this, this phone Huawei P20 has a USB-C connector which is the latest connector for Androids, really great it's actually much easier to connect it because you can put it in either way it's got a USB-C (correction) cable now let me take my previous phone okay this is the phone I had this has micro USB okay it also has a little connector, if I put it up here you can see little connector on the front right here okay so that's a little magnetic thing this is the same cable, I haven't changed the cable it connects the same and it works obviously that means you buy the cables once and obviously you're going to have more devices and you are going to need cables because you basically leave this cable connected to your charger and then you can connect a whole load of different devices, now these little metal connectors here you can buy separately, they cost $7.95 look on the website, they don't cost a lot, right, you have one of these on each device if you buy the cables, they also come with one of these connectors you tell us if you want lightning (for Apple), USB C or micro USB. Connect them up, there you go your phone charges now I see that this end has not been plugged in, but it's only an example of a cool gadget which really helps people and these are the kind of things you are going to be finding on Gadget Heaven cool ideas which you can't buy in your local store but I've thought I haven't really found any store selling these at least where I'm living, I'm fine, so my job and Gadget Heaven it's finding cool stuff which is going to help you in your life and it's going to cost a few dollars but it's... I'm going to keep the prices as low as I can my aim is to not have anything beyond $30 or $40 now that's probably going to be about the highest price for items the idea is cool stuff you can get it from me and you know that I stand behind what's being sold in that shop it's my shop, I put it up, I choose all products are on there and I'm only going to put stuff which I feel are good and I must admit I love these cables it's really good because you know I've got several of these little inserts for the phones, phones, tablets whatever and I've got a few of these cables now I bought about four of these cables and I've got about ten of these little inserts which means I just leave these currently connected to the charger, then whatever device needs charging just have to bring it close up, it connects and it charges wonderful! So you know this one I have other things on there I have other ideas like a tin opener which gives you a nice smooth edge and makes it resealable, yeah lots of little ideas like that so have a look at and then you'll see what I've got, maybe you can find something which you want to buy, just buy it the prices are not high and every purchase helps the Rife Forum, helps me keep the Rife Forum online so it would be really great if you could not only do that but tell your friends about it.

    0:42:27 Impartiality
    So, nobody's paying me to talk about Rife devices nobody okay I don't want I don't want the money I value the fact that I'm an independent person I'm not dependent on anybody who's selling devices that means I can be free to tell you which devices I feel are correct, which are good which are not bad. It means I'm free to tell you the truth about who's good, whose bad, whose indifferent, whatever. I want that I want the freedom I don't, you know, and I don't want to ever say "give me a thousand then I'll say what you want to say" NO, I'm benign I'm not out there to hurt anybody but I am out there to help you because I'm all about making sure you find out what you need to help yourself because I wish I could have helped my father back then, but I know I'm instrumental to helping you guys regain your health I know all your relations.

    0:43:30 Close down in January?
    So anyway, we're back to the normal thing, I want to continue doing what I'm doing I really feel strongly it's an important thing and I put my heart and soul into doing this but right now the Rife Forum is at a financial crossroads we're on the 1st of January the Rife Forum might go offline because we don't have the money to pay the bills!
    What do we need? Well we're two and a half thousand dollars short now if we can get say two thousand of that, then that's enough to keep the forum online, but anything below that it gets very tight and you know basically you know I have to switch off a lot of features and you know I know I don't want to switch off the Forum, I want to keep the form online, but I need the funding to help it. Gadget Heaven, Rife Shop, all these things are aimed to help but we're not there yet, the money's not coming in yet, so I need really need your help now. Now I really hope that with Gadget Heaven, during the year, enough money starts coming in and it does look very promising because I'm going to find some... I've got some great gadgets lined up that we can fully finance the Forum. Maybe I'm hoping we can get to the point where we don't have to ask for donations, but we're not there yet okay and we need your help to get over this time. Otherwise I can just shut the forum, concentrate on Gadget Heaven and in six months when I've got enough money, I can reopen it then, but I don't think that is going to be good for you, it's not going to be good for me, it's not good for the Rife Forum. I need help now and you can do it by going to the Rife Forum, getting a premium subscription, now what's new there and a lot of people been asking about, is that you no longer need to use PayPal you can pay by credit card so go to the Stripe, we are using the Stripe credit card service, you can just use your credit card and directly buy a subscription and the other thing which we've introduced in the forum is we automated the system so that the subscriptions are immediately available means when you sign up you can immediately gain access. Previously, I had to do it all manually and it took a while before you got access now it's automatic buy a subscription you get immediate access to the Rife Forum and there is some great stuff there already but we're going to be adding a lot of new great stuff in the coming year, as we can. I think we've got some good ideas there and so it's going to be worthwhile.

    0:46:10 Special Offers!
    And what I'm going to do, is if you sign up this year that means in December I am going to double your time so if you sign up for a month you're going to get two months you sign up for a year, you're going to get two years okay that's my way of saying thank you for helping me in this moment of need. Now that ends on the 31st of December okay so between now and the 31st of December, now the doubling will not be automatic I will double as you know manually but you will immediately gain the normal access and then I will just manually go in and double the time for you. Good idea if you're going to Gadget Heaven, we've got something else for you go to Gadget Heaven, minimum $50, if you buy some things for $50 and use the code "rifeforum" you know that will give you ten percent discount and if you're a member of the Rife Forum and I see you've used that code I will give you a month free access to this premium on top of that, how about that for a deal so even if you've already got Premium Subscription, we will extend it for a month you don't have a subscription you'll get it as a new access for a month, so buy something for $50 you get some great gadgets or what our special offer is right now, with which is great for the ladies, we have jewelry we have heart-shaped pendants we have circular pendants we have bracelets however look at the website gadget heaven we have some great jewelry where you upload your own photograph and make it into some beautiful jewelry that it's really nice I'm really excited about that and gadgets, there will be more gadgets added in in the coming days and months but there's always some already some great ones there, it's not going to be junk, I'm going to be selling the stuff which I believe is good. 10% discount this year until the end of the year right "rifeforum" discount code. Can't say fairer than that. I know I need your help now, but I'm willing to help you make it nicer for you.

    0:48:47 Please Tell your Friends about us.
    Now if you can't donate, if you don't have money if you say well you know "I don't have any money and I just spent more, just bought a load of Christmas presents, I don't have the money right now, I'm sorry I can't help" - well you can help, because there are ways to help the forum without actually giving me any money! Please help to make the Rife Forum, Gadget Heaven, the Rife Shop well-known put it on your Facebook feeds or Instagram or Twitter account let people know let your friends know about these websites that doesn't cost you a thing just a couple of minutes say hey, visit this website, whatever. Try and make the Rife Forum well known, the Gadget Heaven well known, just do that. That can be really great. Tell your friends about it then they can come and help and buy things. The Rife Forum grows, Gadget Heaven grows, and more that way so if you have no money, no worries, tell your friends about what we're doing get people to come and sign up and whatever okay and if people who sign up this is another deal and you know it says that you know when you sign up you can give you a reference you can say I was signed up by Peter Walker, but I won't accept Peter Walker's name because obviously I'm not telling you..., but so if you know another member of the Rife Forum and this has to be legitimate you know who has who has recommended you, or rather you are the members so if you've recommended it to someone, tell them to write your name in the field of who recommended you and then I will check that if it's legitimate, you're going to get free premium membership (1 month) as well. I can't say fairer than that, we want the Rife Forum to expand and if you can help us that way by just making us better known telling your friends writing on social media, Wow that helps us too and doesn't cost you a penny. and believe me there are so many thousands of people who've been helped I've received so many messages over the years from people who said oh you know I've survived this disease because of what I found in the Rife Forum, that's what makes me feel happy, learning that this has helped you this is what It's all about for me.

    0:51:12 Seasons Greetings
    I wish you a very Merry Christmas or season's holidays or whatever your religion or beliefs and whatever you're celebrating at the end of the year I wish you the very best I personally as a Christian I would say Merry Christmas but whatever makes you happy, fine with me have a great time have a great new year, enjoy it, please help us get over the year, please help us and we're going to try and make the Rife Forum great again! What have I said, I don't want to do politics, well okay, it's not politics its Rife Forum! Okay, so Merry Christmas, seasons greetings and a wonderful New Year! Thank you for listening.
    Last edited by Peter Walker; 12-24-2018 at 11:44.
    Peter Walker
    Administrator = Rife History and Rife-related Research website = Replacement for YahooGroups with full migration. = New way to improve your cell-wellbeing with an app! = Directory and reviews of Rife related websites = Largest serious Rife Related Online Community = Rifeforum Email distribution on Info. = Health-Related YahooGroups Archives - 70 Groups archived. = New home for the former Rife YahooGroup = Peter Walker's Online Shop for Gadgets = SeeNano Microscope, successor to the Ergonom - Available in 2020 = Star Trek New Voyages Fan-Film Series - Peter runs the website.

    We now live in a world where doctors destroy health,
    lawyers destroy justice,
    universities destroy knowledge
    governments destroy freedom
    the press destroy information,
    religion destroys morals,
    and the banks destroy the economy.
    - Christopher Hedges

  2. Thanks Peter Walker (3x):

    Carlos Palau (12-22-2018), Dan Jenson (12-22-2018), Russell Shipp (12-23-2018)

  3. #2
    Specialist Chat with me Russell Shipp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Urgent, The Rife Forum might be Forced to Go Offline in 2019!

    Keep it open.. It is close to my heart too. Let me try to do some indigogo ,kickstarter, subscribestar something.... Keep it up to january if possible. I try to drum up some alternative funding.....

    EVERYONE ELSE!!!! you are members here... you can do it too.. dont just rely on me! We need this place. It is important to you to me to peter to everyone to humanity. Get into this, get busy, we can not lose the space!!!! Maybe you can crowdsource better than me, I dont know... but if your reading this, let us get on it. We can not lose this forum!!!

  4. Thanks Russell Shipp:

    Peter Walker (12-23-2018)

  5. #3
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Urgent, The Rife Forum might be Forced to Go Offline in 2019!

    Thanks Russel,
    I will of course do my best to keep this online. But when providers cannot be paid, they tend to cutoff services and the Rife Forum relies on a lot of various service providers.
    January is when a number of annual fees are due.

    Fact is, the Rife Forum has been running at a loss for years and this has bled my personal finances dry, as I always have to make up the difference. When it is a couple of hundred dollars, I can handle it but not $2500. I am now trying a number of things to turn things around and hope they work.
    Peter Walker
    Administrator = Rife History and Rife-related Research website = Replacement for YahooGroups with full migration. = New way to improve your cell-wellbeing with an app! = Directory and reviews of Rife related websites = Largest serious Rife Related Online Community = Rifeforum Email distribution on Info. = Health-Related YahooGroups Archives - 70 Groups archived. = New home for the former Rife YahooGroup = Peter Walker's Online Shop for Gadgets = SeeNano Microscope, successor to the Ergonom - Available in 2020 = Star Trek New Voyages Fan-Film Series - Peter runs the website.

    We now live in a world where doctors destroy health,
    lawyers destroy justice,
    universities destroy knowledge
    governments destroy freedom
    the press destroy information,
    religion destroys morals,
    and the banks destroy the economy.
    - Christopher Hedges

  6. #4
    TM: Scientific Research Chat with me CharBoehm's Avatar
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    Default Re: Urgent, The Rife Forum might be Forced to Go Offline in 2019!

    You know, this is kind of a big deal. I frankly asked myself, if this forum went down - would I post some things at the other email groups, that I post here? Probably not, because it's easier to discuss things there. It's also a lot easier to look up old discussions of interest here, than on an email group (i.e., the yahoogroups).

    A week ago, another serious incident of althealth info censorship surfaced. Pinterest banned the GreenMedInfo site from their social media platform. GreenMedInfo is an incredible research resource for many health-related issues and substances. It's information is backed up with thousands of research article links.

    See the article "Pinterest Bans GreenMedInfo for Posting Natural Health & Vaccine Safety Info" at

    GreenMedInfo also relies on financial support from its users. I hope everyone at this forum that has ever derived any benefit from it - whether it be general health info, frequency or device suggestions, buying or selling device(s), biology information, or using the space to have technical discussions, will consider supporting it. There may not always be agreement on all issues, but that is the nature of having free speech and exchange of information - which is alarmingly under attack these days. This forum going down would be a big loss to many, so please give Peter's appeal consideration and reach deep.

    Merry Christmas to everyone!

    Best wishes.

  7. Thanks CharBoehm:

    Peter Walker (12-23-2018)

  8. #5
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Urgent, The Rife Forum might be Forced to Go Offline in 2019!

    I have been following the current waves of censorship and it is not pretty. I even opened a special area on this forum to discuss it. We can be glad that we never moved the discussions to Facebook, Pinterest & Co, as we would now be very vulnerable. The vBulletin platform is just software and all the data and software runs on our server, not theirs. Even the data from the CometChat system is stored on our servers. Interestingly the latest versions of that software require the data to be stored on their servers. I declined and said we will not be doing that.

    Some people have asked me if the discussions could move to Facebook, as the Rife Forum does have its own Facebook page.

    While that is possible for new discussions, the archives could not be moved there. It would also be very dangerous as Facebook is one of the companies that have been deleting hundreds of groups without warning. If we moved there, there is a strong risk that sooner or later we would just lose everything without warning and without the ability to even contact our members. Facebook groups are also not very well sorted and it is difficult to find old posts again.

    The big advantage of this forum running on vBulletin is that I control the webserver, the forum, the database and also keep daily backups. In fact I have installed a number of features and services to safeguard the data from being lost, which is definitely a significant factor in the costs of running the forum. Sure, I could reduce costs by cutting out the backup systems and the forum would work fine until the next hack or server crash. In fact that was how the forum was in the early days and I paid dearly when the forum was hacked and I had to manually rebuild 6 months of posts. So to those asking why the costs are this high, a good part of it is for peace of mind that the systems are backed up and security is in place. If someone hacked the forum now, we would at most lose the last 24 hours and a secondary system keeps those as well. Rebuilding the posts from one day is not a difficult task.

    As long as we can pay the bills, then we can keep the forum open. No big-tech companies have control of what is posted here and I am a strong advocate of free speech and honesty.

    I have gotten in trouble often enough for pointing out when some people have been misleading people with false hopes, etc. When that happens, I demand facts to backup any false claims. It is the only way I know to maintain integrity in what is posted here.
    Peter Walker
    Administrator = Rife History and Rife-related Research website = Replacement for YahooGroups with full migration. = New way to improve your cell-wellbeing with an app! = Directory and reviews of Rife related websites = Largest serious Rife Related Online Community = Rifeforum Email distribution on Info. = Health-Related YahooGroups Archives - 70 Groups archived. = New home for the former Rife YahooGroup = Peter Walker's Online Shop for Gadgets = SeeNano Microscope, successor to the Ergonom - Available in 2020 = Star Trek New Voyages Fan-Film Series - Peter runs the website.

    We now live in a world where doctors destroy health,
    lawyers destroy justice,
    universities destroy knowledge
    governments destroy freedom
    the press destroy information,
    religion destroys morals,
    and the banks destroy the economy.
    - Christopher Hedges

  9. #6
    Specialist Chat with me Daniel Bergman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Urgent, The Rife Forum might be Forced to Go Offline in 2019!

    Thank you Peter for keeping the forum going all of these years. Quite honestly, I do not even know if I would be alive right now without the knowledge I have acquired here. I certainly would be in a very sorry state without the forum, and likely my wife would not be fairing much better.

    I hope there are a few more members that can help reach this years goal and even go well above it for next year. I see we are quite close now to this years goal. Peter was correct to have faith in his members to support this very unique and important forum. I was pleasantly surprised when I logged on and seen the increase.

    Although we all may have different opinions on various subjects, it really made me proud to be part of such a group that can come together when the going get tough. I am both impressed and humbled by such a great bunch of individuals.

    I would like to also thank everyone who contributes to the forum in your own way. I read about every post, even when it is over my head, but nonetheless I don't often go away without learning a little bit more than when I logged in.

    I feel like I am part of a very dysfunctional family and I wouldn't have it any other way. (After all, I strongly suspect Peter is wearing Spock ears off camera)

    I look forward to a new year of learning and debates from people around the world. Thank you all very much.

    Freedom to make bad decisions is inherent in the freedom to make good ones. If we are only free to make good decisions, we are not really free."
    Ron Paul

  10. #7
    TM: Author Chat with me Nenah Sylver, Ph.D.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Urgent, The Rife Forum might be Forced to Go Offline in 2019!

    I would like to offer the following contribution. From each purchase of the DVDs of the 2016 Rife Conference (held in Phoenix, Arizona, US), made before January 31, 2019, I will donate $60 to the Rife Forum--up to $2,000.

    These DVDs are quite special, because the Conference was designed as a complete course on Rife Therapy. It's suitable for professionals and beginners alike. For a complete listing of the topics and speakers, as well as to order, go to:

    Nenah Sylver, PhD
    Author, the NEW *Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Ed*
    *The Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy*

  11. Thanks Nenah Sylver, Ph.D. (2x):

    Carlos Palau (12-25-2018), Peter Walker (12-27-2018)

  12. #8
    Specialist Chat with me Daniel Bergman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Urgent, The Rife Forum might be Forced to Go Offline in 2019!


    I don't see any easy way to find Gadget heaven. You really need a prominent home page link that forum visitors can find without hunting for it. It took me a few minutes to find it and I knew it was there.

    Freedom to make bad decisions is inherent in the freedom to make good ones. If we are only free to make good decisions, we are not really free."
    Ron Paul

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