in about 2008 I built 3 plasma devices that my wife's sister used to treat her pancreatic cancer. The plasma devices were built according to James E. Bare's book _Resonant Frequency Therapy_ and the parts to build them were from $800 to $1100 depending on if I could find parts at a discount. Her husband thought my devices looked home made and he bought a Resonate Light Pearl M device that now would cost about $6490 to $9790. They are well made but my wife's sister liked the devices I made better. She used the device for 24 months and then decided it wasn't working. Then in one month later her T-cell count went up and she passed away from heart failure. The price of a used copy of James E. Bare's book used has gone way up. I have been using a pad device based on a talking house AM radio transmitter at 1600 cycles with input in square waves. I described how it is made in Rife Forum group pad, Plasma, etc. named something like building a rife device for $300. I had a large tumor in my left lung in June of 2017 and i have been in remission most of the time since. I also go the MD Anderson cancer center and do chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Norman Strand