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Thread: [Rifeforum] Newsletter September 2022 - Queen / Global Reset / Join our Live Zoom!

  1. #1
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default [Rifeforum] Newsletter September 2022 - Queen / Global Reset / Join our Live Zoom!

    If you would rather opt out of (or opt in to) receiving our newsletter via email, make sure you are logged into the forum and Click here to update your "Rife Forum Newsletter" setting and then click on the "Save Changes" button, at the bottom of the page.



    Welcome to the September 2022 Rife Forum Newsletter / 20 Year Anniversary

    The Rife Forum is now 20 years old (the forum was installed on July 27 and the first post was made on July 28, 2002), yet it was not opened to the members until September 2002. It was setup as an improved alternative to the Rife YahooGroup of the time. While it had a slow start, as it took time for members to get used to a forum after being so used to a mailing list, the forum has been steadily growing ever since. With the end of Yahoogroups, the original mailing list did transfer to the platform, yet conversations there have reduced with the focus now being on the Rife Forum.

    The Rife Forum is now the primary online community for discussing Rife resonance therapy with over 14000 members, around 8800 topics and 55,600 posts - a massive resource for Rife related topics.

    The Rife Forum runs on its own webserver that is managed by the site owner, Peter Walker. Being independent from major platforms like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, etc. has allowed us to maintain free speech in a world of censorship. You are free to discuss topics here, that would get you banned on many other platforms. The one limit we do apply is that you are not allowed to make personal attacks on other members. You can disagree and argue the topics, but never turn it into a personal attack.

    The forum is financed through premium subscriptions, that gives you access to quite a large library of excellent documents and videos. Unfortunately, subscriptions are behind target and Peter has had to direct his attention to gaining the necessary funding, elsewhere. That is why he has been less active on the forum, recently.

    The other project he is currently working hard on is related to the Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA. If you have never heard about this before, you are in for a pleasant surprise. More on this further down this newsletter.

    Resonance therapy is now more important than ever, with major health issues around the world that can hugely benefit from these methods. This forum has been a major source of excellent advice on how to get through the "plandemic" successfully.

    Let me thank all our members for taking part in and supporting this community. I am very proud of what we have achieved over the past 20 years and I have heard about many hundreds of people who owe their life and wellbeing to what they have learned through this forum.


    Tribute to the Queen
    After 70 years of reign, at the age of 96, the Queen has now left us to rejoin with her late husband.

    As many of you know, I am British myself and she has been there throughout my life.

    I heard about this a little earlier than most, after one of the BBC reporters posted about her death on Twitter, way too early. Although the post was deleted again, enough people had seen it for it to spread quickly. It was not until several hours later that this news was then confirmed.

    I have never met the Queen and regarded her as an excellent diplomat and tourist attraction for the UK. I approved of what she has done for the country until recently, when I started learning about Common Law vs. Maritime law and the role she played in that and more.

    All the same, her passing is a big loss for the soul of the British people and I will remember her for the good she has done for the country.


    The Global Political and Financial Reset

    This was mentioned in our last newsletter and a lot has happened since then. If you have not heard about this before, please read our December 2021 newsletter.

    The world is now on the the brink of dumping the debt-based Fiat currencies (Dollar, Euro, Pound, etc.) and replacing them for new asset backed currencies that will be 1:1 with each other. All Bank debts will be forgiven and we will move into a golden future with little taxes under Constitutional Common Law and a better quality of life according to the NESARA/GESARA Act that every country of the world has signed up for. The exact date for the switch is a closely guarded secret, yet we expect this to happen by late October 2022 - maybe sooner.

    This is not to be confused with the Great Reset from the World Economic Forum. Their system would be terrible for humanity and has been stopped.

    We are heading for what I can only describe as a "Star-Trek" like future of new technology, true and honest government and more abundance. A new medical technology will be released that can literally cure any disease, even regrow missing limbs. Med-Beds are no longer something seen in sci-fi movies, they are coming to every city and will heal the world. They will be released shortly after NESARA/GESARA is officially announced and treatment will be free. Appointments will be issued according to need with the serious cases being treated, first.

    The world's economy is going to crash during the switchover and it is therefore VERY IMPORTANT that you stock up NOW on essential goods and supplies for at least a month.
    Now that the Queen has died and once Biden is removed from office, we are expecting the switchover to happen shortly afterwards. No exact date is known.


    The GESARA Show - Invitation to our 9/11 Special

    Peter Walker (our forum admin) has been running a twice-weekly podcast on the topic called "The GESARA Show" and more than 50 episodes have already been released. or Click here if you are a logged in member of this forum.

    As a Rife Forum member, you are invited to take part in our special 9/11 SPECIAL EDITION on September 11, 2022 at 19:00 UTC (London time). All you need is the Zoom App ( and the respective link (below) to sign in and watch the show, live. You can even ask your own questions to the panellists (Peter Walker and Billy Gilies) during the show.

    Rife Forum members can watch and take part in this show, free. If this is a success, a Rife therapy special will be made, shortly. Come and join in the fun, this Sunday!

    Note: There is a hard limit of 1000 members that can take part in the live show - do not be late joining. The recording will be released, a couple of days later to forum members.

    GESARA SHOW 052, with Peter and Billy - Sunday - 9/11 Special

    September 11, 2022
    08:00 HST, Hawaii
    10:00 AKDT, Alaska
    11:00 PDT, Pacific Time, Los Angeles
    12:00 MDT, Mountain Time, Denver
    13:00 CDT, Central Time, St. Louis
    14:00 EDT, Eastern Time, New York
    19:00 BST, London
    20:00 CEST, Amsterdam, Cologne, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
    21:00 EEST, Athens, Cairo, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Kiev
    21:00 MSK, Baghdad, Bahrain, Kuwait, Minsk, Moscow, Qatar
    23:30 IST, India, Islamabad, Karachi
    23:30 Vietnam, Bangkok

    September 12, 2022
    02:00 AWST, Perth, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Taipei, Hong Kong, Beijing
    03:00 JST, Osaka, Tokyo, Seoul
    04:00 AEST, Brisbane
    04:00 AEST, Melbourne, Sydney
    06:00 NZST, Auckland, Wellington

    Join Zoom Meeting
    Meeting has already taken place, link has therefore been removed. See below to watch the recording.


    The GESARA Show - Subscribe to keep watching the show for the latest news

    To keep watching the show live after our free Special, signup to the GESARA Show forum and subscribe to the show.

    It costs just $5/month or $12.50/quarter for 8 shows/month.

    Watch this video for details:

    Learn more on the GESARA Show website

    The website is based on a phpBB Forum from

    This video explains how to join the forum and order a Webinar subscription.

    Note: When you register, you will be asked one of two questions that are asked to stop spam registrations:

    1. Give the global name of the Act that is associated with NESARA: GESARA
    2. Give the name of the system that replaces SWIFT (3 letters): QFS

    You also get an overview of how to use the forum and watch the webinars.


    A big thank-you for reading this post and keep watching the forum - a lot of important posts about the current situation are about to be released.

    Best Wishes and stay healthy

    Peter Walker

    Last edited by Peter Walker; 09-13-2022 at 14:56.
    Peter Walker
    Administrator = Rife History and Rife-related Research website = Replacement for YahooGroups with full migration. = New way to improve your cell-wellbeing with an app! = Directory and reviews of Rife related websites = Largest serious Rife Related Online Community = Rifeforum Email distribution on Info. = Health-Related YahooGroups Archives - 70 Groups archived. = New home for the former Rife YahooGroup = Peter Walker's Online Shop for Gadgets = SeeNano Microscope, successor to the Ergonom - Available in 2020 = Star Trek New Voyages Fan-Film Series - Peter runs the website.

    We now live in a world where doctors destroy health,
    lawyers destroy justice,
    universities destroy knowledge
    governments destroy freedom
    the press destroy information,
    religion destroys morals,
    and the banks destroy the economy.
    - Christopher Hedges

  2. #2
    First Posts Chat with me
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    Default Re: [Rifeforum] Newsletter September 2022 - Queen / Global Reset / Join our Live Zoom

    I want to believe!
    Wondering what Peter's source is, and what happened to the expected time frame given back in December......

  3. #3
    Specialist Chat with me Dan Jenson's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Rifeforum] Newsletter September 2022 - Queen / Global Reset / Join our Live Zoom

    Is the 911 Special available ?

    I missed it live on Sunday.

    Was any attention given to Dr. Judy Wood


  4. #4
    Specialist Chat with me Stanislaw Chmielarz's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Rifeforum] Newsletter September 2022 - Queen / Global Reset / Join our Live Zoom

    I do not really believe in the pure intentions of those promoting this solution, especially in the words of Bill Gates. In my opinion, this is another attempt to let mankind down a dead end straight into economic slavery.
    Who is the inventor? This is a man who does not know that everyone says that something can not be done and he just does it .
    Most people are like mice who see cheese but don't see the trap behind it.
    Thinking does not hurt .Stupidity kills .

  5. #5
    Normal Chat with me
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    Default Re: [Rifeforum] Newsletter September 2022 - Queen / Global Reset / Join our Live Zoom

    2 very good questions Sir

  6. #6
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Rifeforum] Newsletter September 2022 - Queen / Global Reset / Join our Live Zoom

    It was a great show and is now available to view for Rifeforum members here.

    I want to believe!
    Wondering what Peter's source is, and what happened to the expected time frame given back in December......
    I have numerous high quality sources and I post the intel, as it comes in, on a dedicated Telegram Channel.

    The one thing we cannot predict accurately is the timeline, as we are in a war between us and the deep state/WEF, who control the media, corrupt governments and the judiciary. That is why the military is needed to stop the corruption. It has certainly taken a lot longer than we expected, because the Deep State had infiltrated so many systems. One thing we have learned is to not trust any dates, as both sides have been giving out misinformation as to the timeline. There is however a lot of signs that we are now very close to the end.

    Is the 911 Special available ?

    I missed it live on Sunday.

    Was any attention given to Dr. Judy Wood

    It is available now, see the above link. A shorter version (without bonus) is available on Rumble.

    Dr. Judy Wood was not mentioned in the show.

    I do not really believe in the pure intentions of those promoting this solution, especially in the words of Bill Gates. In my opinion, this is another attempt to let mankind down a dead end straight into economic slavery.
    There are two competing systems. The bad one is "The Great Reset" by the World Economic Forum, where they intend to first make everyone poor and then offer their system where you forfeit everything you own and will only be able to buy things and survive if you do everything they want. That system has been stopped through massive intervention by the military, world-wide. Bill Gates subscribes to that system.

    The good system is NESARA/GESARA where we all move off Fiat debt-based currencies to new asset backed currencies. This is an excellent system that will stop all wars and give us back our prosperity with minimal government under constitutional common law.

    I have been investigating this for over two years and the switch to NESARA/GESARA will be soon, probably by the end of October.

    Index of the show:

    0:00:00 Intro video
    0:01:42 Dave von Kleist, perceptions
    0:04:07 Peter on today's show
    0:05:40 The Queen and Charles
    0:06:10 King Charles
    0:07:35 NESARA and 9/11
    0:13:00 Dick Cheny and Norad
    0:14:15 Pentagon Video
    0:18:26 Environmental impact
    0:19:38 German analysis of Pentagon crash
    0:21:11 Plane vaporized, but clock ok?
    0:26:45 Twin Towers clip.
    0:32:44 BBC World announces collapse of WTC7, before it happened.
    0:38:56 Peter remembers the questions he asked himself.
    0:39:50 PA crash with German documentary
    0:47:27 Hole in field, but no plane parts.
    0:43:19 Billy's father worked for McDonald Douglas
    0:44:20 Tower's were designed to take hit from aircraft.
    0:44:55 NESARA was due to start on same day.
    0:46:10 Die Hard, with a Vengeance depicts similar events.
    0:46:44 Shanksville - No airplane found.
    0:49:12 The Case for Real Aircraft - Extended footage
    1:03:12 Handing over to Billy
    1:03:45 The Case for CGI Aircraft
    1:17:05 President Bush on September 15, 2006.
    1:18:40 Project Blue Beam
    1:23:45 History is written by the victorious
    1:26:30 Q&A: Cajun Girl, Satanic rituals in the towers
    1:29:40 Q&A: DeLise, Israel
    1:38:00 Q&A: Kevin, Was NESARA already planned in 1995? Movie predictions.
    1:39:25 "Back to the Future Predicts 9/11" clip.
    1:47:39 Q&A: Kevin, When was NESARA planned?
    1:54:30 What happened to the people in those four planes?
    1:57:25 Q&A: Donna, Charles Clone, the Illusionists.
    2:00:00 Q&A: Kirsten, related movies.
    2:02:43 Q&A: Sam, Shuhmann's resonance. Biden speech.
    2:06:40 Q&A: Pat, Ukrainian refugees in hotels. NATO null & void.
    2:13:40 Q&A: Michael, What did Rothchild do on 9/11?
    2:17:05 The Queen and her twin sister: Lilibet and Elizabeth
    2:20:20 Q&A: Kirsten, ATM's and debit cards going offline.
    2:21:15 Q&A: Pat, Does not agree with twins.
    2:25:40 Q&A: Cajun Girl, Diana was never called to do anything, but with womb ritual.
    2:27:40 Q&A: Mandy, Queen was deposed on 23rd March, 2001 with Magna Carta, Art. 61.
    2:29:25 Q&A: Kirsten, Mark Attwood's Telegram post.
    2:35:00 When will Biden be gone?
    2:35:40 Q&A: Patricia U, July's report on Navy JAG increasing security.
    2:37:30 Final Thoughts 1
    2:39:40 Q&A: Norma, Flight to Argentina after 9/11.
    2:42:40 Peter returned from the USA, 2 days before 9/11
    2:43:08 Q&A: Sujata, What upheavals do you see in USA? Shortages?
    2:45:48 Q&A: Patricia U, Toilet paper and food shortages. German sources.
    2:51:12 Final Thoughts 2
    2:53:40 Good byes...

    2:55:18 Bonus video: File 9/11 Unsolved (Aktenzeichen 11.9 Ungelöst). German documentary with English subtitles.
    3:39:11 End.
    Peter Walker
    Administrator = Rife History and Rife-related Research website = Replacement for YahooGroups with full migration. = New way to improve your cell-wellbeing with an app! = Directory and reviews of Rife related websites = Largest serious Rife Related Online Community = Rifeforum Email distribution on Info. = Health-Related YahooGroups Archives - 70 Groups archived. = New home for the former Rife YahooGroup = Peter Walker's Online Shop for Gadgets = SeeNano Microscope, successor to the Ergonom - Available in 2020 = Star Trek New Voyages Fan-Film Series - Peter runs the website.

    We now live in a world where doctors destroy health,
    lawyers destroy justice,
    universities destroy knowledge
    governments destroy freedom
    the press destroy information,
    religion destroys morals,
    and the banks destroy the economy.
    - Christopher Hedges

  7. #7
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default Re: [Rifeforum] Newsletter September 2022 - Queen / Global Reset / Join our Live Zoom

    Sunday's Show went well. You are Invited to Wednesday's Show.

    2022-09-14, GESARA SHOW 053 - Wednesday - INVITATION

    September 14, 2022, The GESARA Show 053 - Wednesday

    Hosts: Peter Walker (in Cologne) and Billy Gilles (in St. Louis).

    This is the 53rd episode of the GESARA Show.

    See you then, Peter and Billy.


    Topic: GESARA SHOW 053, with Peter and Billy - Wednesday

    September 14, 2022
    08:00 HST, Hawaii
    10:00 AKDT, Alaska
    11:00 PDT, Pacific Time, Los Angeles
    12:00 MDT, Mountain Time, Denver
    13:00 CDT, Central Time, St. Louis
    14:00 EDT, Eastern Time, New York
    19:00 BST, London
    20:00 CEST, Amsterdam, Cologne, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
    21:00 EEST, Athens, Cairo, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Kiev
    21:00 MSK, Baghdad, Bahrain, Kuwait, Minsk, Moscow, Qatar
    23:30 IST, India, Islamabad, Karachi23:30 Vietnam, Bangkok

    September 15, 2022
    02:00 AWST, Perth, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Taipei, Hong Kong, Beijing
    03:00 JST, Osaka, Tokyo, Seoul
    04:00 AEST, Brisbane
    04:00 AEST, Melbourne, Sydney
    06:00 NZST, Auckland, Wellington

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 847 1698 4615
    Passcode: 245445

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    Meeting ID: 847 1698 4615
    Passcode: 245445
    Find your local number:


    Upcoming GESARA Shows:

    2022-09-14, GESARA SHOW 053 - Wednesday

    2022-09-18, GESARA SHOW 054 - Sunday - Rife Special

    2022-09-21, GESARA SHOW 055 - Wednesday

    2022-09-26, GESARA SHOW 056 - Monday


    NOTES (Updated 2022-09-14):

    You can ALWAYS get the Zoom-Links for our upcoming episodes by just clicking on this link:

    We also send out an email to our subscribers, two or more hours before the show. If we are unable to send out the email in time, we will make the show public and publish free links on our Telegram channel.

    You can ALWAYS watch our episodes by just clicking on this link:

    We will also send out an email to our subscribers, when the recording is ready to watch.


    We received a strike on YouTube for our 9/11 Special (#52) because of "Hate Speech".
    There was of course no hate speech so we appealed and lost. We are not sure if we can post the preview of this show on YouTube. Please watch on our forum (best), Telegram, Bitchute or Rumble.

    A preview of the full show (up to the news section) is released the following day on Telegram and YouTube (if possible).

    As soon as editing of the full episode is complete (1-2 days after broadcast), it will be released EXCLUSIVELY on our forum for subscribers with a Bonus Video on the end.
    We send out an email to all subscribers when ready:

    A week after the live show, the full episode (without the Bonus video and supporting documents) is released publicly on Rumble and Bitchute:


    Peter and Billy
    Peter Walker
    Administrator = Rife History and Rife-related Research website = Replacement for YahooGroups with full migration. = New way to improve your cell-wellbeing with an app! = Directory and reviews of Rife related websites = Largest serious Rife Related Online Community = Rifeforum Email distribution on Info. = Health-Related YahooGroups Archives - 70 Groups archived. = New home for the former Rife YahooGroup = Peter Walker's Online Shop for Gadgets = SeeNano Microscope, successor to the Ergonom - Available in 2020 = Star Trek New Voyages Fan-Film Series - Peter runs the website.

    We now live in a world where doctors destroy health,
    lawyers destroy justice,
    universities destroy knowledge
    governments destroy freedom
    the press destroy information,
    religion destroys morals,
    and the banks destroy the economy.
    - Christopher Hedges

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