Quote Originally Posted by James Bare View Post

5000 Hz has been used with long exposures times to treat Polycythemia Vera. I've spoken with two people over the years that had very good responses to 5000 Hz. Their spleens reduced in size and their RBC levels improved. Exposure times were typically around 40 minutes to an hour at 5000 Hz.

>I talked with the maker of one machine the other day. He told me that at >5000 Hz, that the machines could actually kill red blood cells...but made >the caveat that the red blood cells destroyed were probably malformed >or on their way out (about to die) anyway.
Can you tell me which frequencies were used? (I am new to this and recently diagnosed with PV) I have a machine on order. A Programmable Blaster 20 MHz from Pacific Health. Thank you. I know this is an old post, and I hope I receive a reply.