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Thread: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

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  1. #1
    TM: Merchant USA Chat with me Michael Tigchelaar's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Sacks
    A friend has been diagnosed with advanced prostste cancer and is in need of some help. After diong some reading and looking around I find some Rife machines to have handles that you hold and some to use light. What should I be looking for? I see so many alternatives and I don't have that much time to read volumes of study material. If I might glean from the research others have done and save the time I would be appreciative.


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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Are there places that rent the equipment so the burden of the thousands of dollars might be avoided?

  3. #3
    TM: Researcher Chat with me Randall Haislip's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Hello Rick
    As you have found out by now, its very easy to invest several thousands of dollars in this equipment if you've got it to spend.
    I think if I was in the position of your friend I would spend that money on a airline ticket to Austraila to visit the clinic of Dr. John Holt who has the only proven protocol for defeating most cancers.
    More information on Dr. John Holt can be located on this website.
    Best Wishes

  4. #4
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Hi Randall andothers,
    I am so very new to all of this. I am a Physical Therapist, specializing in Electromyography, (nerve and muscle testing) for 31 years. I actually have a friend dying of 2 forms of cancer his namd is also Randall..anyway I have read a great deal on the NET and certainly buy all of how this science has been squashed by the big boys...I have recently purchased some of the CD with Freq's and the bood about Cancer . Need to learn a great deal. Just facinated by the whole deal. I am also curious about what machine to buy if I were to get one....though not personally in the market, I would very much like to feel comfortable in what to suggest to someone..
    ALSO does any one have any experience with using the CD programs and computer speakers, or headphones.. ?
    I have also wanted to know if the treatment Frequencies are in the 20 to 20 range that is "in theory" audible to the human ear, or are these Freq's and the harmonics in differnet areas not audible.
    Great to hear from anyone.
    Thanks to all
    Stephen Freeman
    252-726-1192 USA

  5. #5
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Digital frequency using headphones do not work. And actually digital frequency from cds can cause a cancer. WHAT works is analog. But not all head phones are good. The best way is to use a subwofer the type with a front speaker at least 12 inch 15 is better. Play the ANALOG frequency (I am talking about low frequency I am not sure about high frequency. I think you can keep dividing it down by 2 to get the lower frequency. Play that. It wont harm other people in the room if your body dont need it, no effect. but best to be out of the room if you dont need the frequency.
    I have been studying it for a year (low frequency not Rife high frequency). I have had sucuess on back pain and I had a runny nose a few times and I listened to 22.02 (frequency for vitimin C) and with in seconds my nose stoped running.  I know that it is not a major disease but it WORKED!!!

    >ALSO does any one have any experience with using the CD programs and computer speakers, or headphones.. ?

  6. #6
    TM: Merchant USA Chat with me Michael Tigchelaar's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    What is the difference between using a sound card that are used by some Rife Manufacturers as a frequency generator as opposed to the Atelier Robin frequency generators used by TrueRife?
    The F-117 uses a true precision frequency generator as opposed to
    sound cards which have severe limitations.

    The most advance computer controlled frequency
    generator is the heart of TrueRife machines

    (The duplication of the F-117 Internal frequency generator represents at least a $100,000 investment to engineer. This is why some vendors use "cheap" ineffective audio sound cards within their system. The clue as to if a cheap sound card is being used is the manufacturer will advertise that you can run his system with a MP 3 player)

    This question was posed to our Manufacturer. This is the response:

    Hi Mike,

    The main difference between a sound card and our frequency generators is bandwidth. The other difference, not strictly related to the limitations of a sound card is programmability. I am not aware of a software as flexible as F100 that works with sound cards. As far as bandwidth, It is one difference that has major implications for the different features you use with our generators: square waves, duty cycle control.

    To produce a reasonable square wave at 10KHZ for example, you need a generator with a bandwidth of at least 200 KHZ. The higher the bandwidth,the more square the wave will be and the more harmonics it contains. A PC sound card tops at 20KHZ (180 KHZ short) The F117 has a square wave with a rise/fall time of a few nano-seconds. That translates into a bandwidth in the 800 MHZ region for the F-117 frequency generator.

    Duty cycle control is another feature that requires high bandwidth and precise wave form control simply not possible with a PC sound card.

    Best Regards,

    Patrick Robin

    These are the Specs of the board used in TrueRife systems:


    DDS square wave frequency generation controlled by internal 32 bit processor
    MS-Windows F100 3.0 software to control the F110 from a PC USB port.
    Program file format fully compatible with F100 2.0 and our previous generators
    2 internal channels: A:1.5 MHZ, B:100 KHZ
    1 output 5 V TTL.
    Channels A,B can be routed to the output in any combination (see note 2)
    Any of the 2 internal channels can be used as a carrier for the other channel
    Channel A,B frequency resolution: .01 HZ
    Reference quartz oscillator stability: 50 ppm
    Channels A,B duty cycle programmable.
    Can be programmed to automatically load and run a program at powerup in standalone mode without the need for a PC.
    Max output current 100 ma

    Bandwidth 800 MHZ

    Question: Why does TrueRife have so much greater Radiant energy output as compared to other systems?
    (Measurements taken at 200 Hz
    There are possibly two reasons:

    1. The device is not properly balanced to deliver maximum power to the Plasma Tube or the
    Electrodes or has too little power internally. Some devices boasting higher frequency ranges
    are using something similar to a high voltage neon sign transformer to generate high voltage to light the
    plasma tube (bulb). These transformers have very little EMF output but do light the tube. It
    is comparable to standing in front of a neon sign.

    2. Rife tube has no electrodes: The tube picture above has NO electrodes but attempts to deliver power by winding high voltage wire around the glass. This has a "choking effect" on signal input and output reducing a 300 Watt system to the output of a 65 Watt Light bulb. This setup also induces excessive heat on the internal components often resulting in early failure of the device. Bulb life is also reduced dramatically as the high voltage wire over time burns or arcs through the glass resulting in tube failure. __________________________________________________ ___________________

    TrueRife Technician Preparing Bulbs / We stock all of types of Rife bulbs built to our specifications

    TrueRife has worked with the leading bulb manufacturer in the world (Barry Allred).

    TrueRife uses specialty bulbs that are manufactured specifically for Rife applications.
    __________________________________________________ _____________________

    Question: How do Novelty Plasma Balls compare to TrueRife / Allred Bulbs?

    Novelty bulb Rife original double bubble TrueRife Double Bubble

    Some vendors are promoting toy novelty bulbs sold by Radio Shack or Wal-Mart as a substitute for professionally manufactured Rife bulbs.

    It should be noted that these inexpensive novelty bulbs are simply not the same "animal" as custom manufactured TrueRife / Allred Bulbs. Novelty plasma bulbs will produce a plasma photonic emission (light), but do not have "getters" incorporated inside of the tubes to guarantee clean and strong frequency emission. The Novelty plasma bulb output signal is inferior to say the least as it was designed for entertainment, not for Rife applications.

    This is an explanation of what is involved in the manufacturing of our bulbs:

    Barry Allred's Comments on the GETTERS incorporated into his tubes

    In answer to your inquiries about an internal electrode getter, here is what I can offer as to an explanation. The coating most commonly used is barium strontium carbonate, which is reduced to barium strontium oxide during the heating of the tube manufacture. The oxide coating is a good source of free electrons. In laymen's terms, the getter works as a scavenger inside the tube which is heated 100's of degrees to drive out and open the deep layers of the glass.

    As the glass is heated, the electrodes turn cherry red, thus breaking down the barium inside the tube, which is trapped within the walls when it cools back down. After the tube is vacuumed, then gassed, and pressured, then the tube is sealed. This can leave a small impurity in the tube, from the hand torch. Having barium inside the tube, enables the tube to age in on a burn in transformer, usually 60 milliamps. After the heat inside the tube dissipates and the tube begins to burn cool, it is ready to be shipped.

    A tube that has been properly pumped will have very little heat with better impedance for a cleaner signal. Ceramic collars are used to keep the gases clean and to keep down impurities.

    When a tube is properly pumped and aged, a tube will last 30 years. I have been bending and processing for over 30 years, and have tubes in service that are still burning.

    Barry Allred
    __________________________________________________ ___________________________________

  7. #7
    Normal Chat with me Richard Di Nucci's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    I am a newcomer to the Rife Forum, and will be purchasing a Rife System within the next few months.

    The title of this thread is "How are Rife Manufacturers Compared?" Hoping to see an objective, quantitative assessment of factual info, I was surprised, instead, to see:

    1. A Paradox: Over the past 5 years, there have been a number of new or upgraded Rife machines, while simultaneously, there has been a surge in genuine interest from all corners of the world in "everything Rife" . . . yet paradoxically, this thread has been dead since 2008.

    2. A Wiki Rife Machine Table, But . . . :
    Back in 2009/2010, there was a great attempt by the Wiki folks to create a much needed comparative analysis of different Rife Machines where newcomers like me are able to compare different machine features.

    And yet here's another paradox! This Wiki table has not been updated in four years (last update was in Feb 2010).

    This Forum Deserves A Comparative Table of Rife Machines:
    I'm sure that there are many other "potential Rifers" who frequent this site and who, like me, would like to obtain factual info on the various features of Rife Machines. I don't mean to sound ungrateful or offensive to anyone who has donated their time/ energy to provide helpful info within this thread; on the contrary, I appreciate the advice.

    However, I have observed that there are representatives of some Rife Machine manufacturers who have used this thread as their own marketing tool, instead of listing factual and truthful info about their product. In my opinion, the content within threads of this is no place for marketing hype or marketing ads.

    So How Do We Get There from Here? A Small Committee, Perhaps?
    A fair and objective way to build a factual Table of Rife Machine features would be for a few of us to volunteer to build such a table, then double check the facts before posting it (maybe ask a few Rife "luminaries" for their endorsement of factual data???) There's got to be a few simple groundrules; I can start the process by listing the most important groundrule at the top
    ( . . . this does not allow the fox to get inside the chicken coop!)
    1. No representatives or employees of Rife Machine Manufacturers
    2. The final product must be understandable by the average member (i.e. factual info that does not contain "technical priesthood" terminology to confuse or impress the non technical person)
    ( feel free to add whatever groundrules you believe would be appropriate!)

    As a retired electronics engineer, I'm willing to volunteer some of my time to accomplish this, if the forum believes it can be worthwhile. Comments, suggestions, or criticisms are welcome.

    P.S. One such criticism, for example, could be that the politics of creating such a table might not be worth it. Alternatively, the majority on this Forum may agree with my boldfaced statement above that this elite RifeForum deserves a factual table of Rife machines.

    <img style="width: 16px; height: 16px; border: 0px none;" id="ums_img_tooltip" class="UMSRatingIcon">

  8. Thanks Richard Di Nucci (2x):

    Edward Ellis (01-09-2014), Russell Shipp (04-05-2014)

  9. #8
    TM: Scientific Research Chat with me CharBoehm's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Well, this is a refreshing change, Richard. Thanks for posting about it.

    Yes, the Rife Machine Table desperately needs updated. I printed out the left half of it shortly after it came out, added some of my own notes, and then gradually added more information about devices as time wore on.

    One thing that would really help the table itself, is to make every other horizontal row in color (not white). It's really difficult to accurately follow the material across the whole width of the chart. And maybe a vertical column could be added in the middle of chart that mirrors the left-hand column.


  10. Thanks CharBoehm (2x):

    Richard Di Nucci (01-10-2014), Russell Shipp (04-05-2014)

  11. #9
    TM: Merchant USA Chat with me Jeff Garff's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Tigchelaar

    Hello Michael Tigchelaar

    The answer that you have given on you web site under “Contact Vs Plasma” in regards to pad devices would be good if it was correct. Many scientific tests called “Bio-Electrical Impedance Analysis” have been done on the human body which show that your description and answer is not correct. These tests prove that low frequencies (5,000 hertz) will penetrate the body but only go through the connective tissue. They will not go into the cell. “The Skin Effect” would only apply if the human body was made of copper. The real question is “What is the Cell Effect.” These many impedance tests show that at about 1MHz (1 million cycles per second or hertz) there is no more resistance in the biological tissue of the body. Low frequencies below about 10,000 hertz only travel through the connective tissue of the body. At about 10,000 hertz frequencies begin to penetrate the outside layers of the cell. This scale gradually goes up so that at about 100,000 hertz penetration into the cell is very noticeable. From 100,000 hertz to 1,000,000 hertz (1MHz) penetration into the cell is significant until full penetration is achieved at 1MHz.

    Your description of pad devices as being like a kitchen “stove” which “transfer their energy through surfaces and therefore are excellent in treating the blood, but may have some limitations as regards full body penetration” is giving people incorrect information.
    These scientific tests also show the body to be about 450 to 500 ohms not “1 million ohms.” This 450 to 500 ohms is an overall figure because the legs are different that the arms and the arms are different than the torso.

    These tests prove that the frequencies from a pad instruments are not like putting a “turkey on top of the stoves burner vs a pot of water which conducts energy much easier”. These scientific “Bio-Electrical Impedance Analysis” test prove that low audio frequencies from a pad device penetrate into the body and go throughout all the connective tissue. If higher frequencies are used, such as a carrier frequency of at least 1MHz then full penetration of these audio frequencies is made into the cells and the bone.

    It would be better to give people correct information so that they can make a more informed decision. Here is a link to one of these scientific tests that was on the web.

    Best wishes
    Jeff Garff

  12. Thanks Jeff Garff:

    Richard Di Nucci (12-23-2013)

  13. #10
    Banned Chat with me Jason Ringas's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Garff
    Hello Michael Tigchelaar

    The answer that you have given on you web site under “Contact Vs Plasma” in regards to pad devices would be good if it was correct.
    It would be better to give people correct information so that they can make a more informed decision. <snip>
    A far more seriously incorrect statement that Michael is making is in calling his web site and machines "True Rife". They are not "true Rife", and calling them such is a misrepresentation of and disservice to Rife's name and legacy. Any clinical therapeutic efficacy his machines may produce is irrelevant to the point being made.

    The biggest obstacle to the advancement of "true" Rife research is the Rife community's misrepresentation of what a "true Rife" machine is, and the methodolgy used to establish it as "true Rife". This ultimately filters down into people being confused as to how to proceed, what machine to buy, etc.



  14. Thanks Jason Ringas:

    Richard Di Nucci (12-23-2013)

  15. #11
    TM: Merchant USA Chat with me Jeff Garff's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Ringas
    A far more seriously incorrect statement that Michael is making is in calling his web site and machines "True Rife". They are not "true Rife", and calling them such is a misrepresentation of and disservice to Rife's name and legacy. Any clinical therapeutic efficacy his machines may produce is irrelevant to the point being made.

    The biggest obstacle to the advancement of "true" Rife research is the Rife community's misrepresentation of what a "true Rife" machine is, and the methodolgy used to establish it as "true Rife". This ultimately filters down into people being confused as to how to proceed, what machine to buy, etc.



    Hello Jason,

    Your point is well taken. Dr. Rife made this statement on the Rife CDs.

    “Well it’s been called a half a dozen different things, a frequency device now, but it was called a Rife ray at one time. I made them stop that because I didn’t want my name on it. Some quack might get a hold of it.”

    Because of this statement Rife made we closed all of our web sites that had his name on them and took his name off of our instrument. How could we honor him and then put his name on our machine.


  16. #12
    Banned Chat with me Jason Ringas's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Garff
    Hello Jason,

    Your point is well taken. Dr. Rife made this statement on the Rife CDs.

    “Well it’s been called a half a dozen different things, a frequency device now, but it was called a Rife ray at one time. I made them stop that because I didn’t want my name on it. Some quack might get a hold of it.”

    Because of this statement Rife made we closed all of our web sites that had his name on them and took his name off of our instrument. How could we honor him and then put his name on our machine.

    Good point. I wouldn't have so much of a problem with a machine being called "Rife", if it actually was a "true Rife" machine. As I've said so many times before, at present, there's no such thing as a "true Rife" machine. I really wish people would stop abusing Rife's name for their own interests. It is a very sad reality that in many respects, it is we the Rife community that have become the quacks that Rife feared would sully his name and reputation. That may be a harsh statement, but I believe it's a totally true one, and all would do well to reflect upon it.



  17. #13
    TM: Merchant USA Chat with me Michael Tigchelaar's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    As regards our published research on body impact energy, we are in full agreement with your research as regards frequency penetration to the cells. We were discussing impact energy not frequency penetration. Even A.M. and F.M. broadcast penetrate our cells. But what is the impact energy? Is it really sufficient enough cause damage?

    Having said this, we do not argue with results. If a Pad device is demonstrated to reduce the viral load of HIV through a comparitive study great! We do not have a problem with pad / contact devices. We actually produce a contact device ourselves and have reports of excellent results.

    Rife Plasma and Pad devices however operate on entirely different principles of ENERGY transference.

    We are in favor of both pad and plasma. Both methods of energy transference have their own advantages and disadvantages. We recommend both.


  18. #14
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Hi MIke and other
    I am a Physical therapist doing Electromyography for 31 years. that is a fancy muscle and nerve test. I use a gel "Sonigel" when placing my electrodes on the ski. I tape them on.."OLd School" the newer ones are self adhesive and pre gelled...anyway I use Sonigel, as even with a slight air space the current I use will not effeciently pass from electrode to and into the skin and eventuyally into the nerve tissue which I am testing. I have read many of the Forum posts and have not seen any mention of a gel. I know that with Ulatrsound..which I have also used...that we need to Sonigel for the same reasons...and then you have the OB-GYN doctors using the gel for ultrasound of pregnang women. ....Hmm in just a though just now....could or would a clinical ultrasound unit used by therapist, and chiropracters, also work as a Rife..."if you could find the freqs.?

    Anyway I was just want to ask or inquire about the Gel ussage.
    All Be Blessed
    Stephen Freeman North Carolina

  19. #15
    TM: Merchant USA Chat with me Jeff Garff's Avatar
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    Default Re: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    Hello Michael Tigchelaar

    I appreciate you giving an explanation but I have a few questions before I am willing to accept your explanation.

    First I would like to say, this research on “Bio-Impedance Analysis” is not our research. These are independent scientific tests that have been done on “Bio-Impedance Analysis” with regards to frequency penetration into the human body. As you know there are two different types of pad instruments. Some of them use a carrier frequency and some do not. Frequencies output from a non-carrier instrument, in square wave form, produce harmonics up to about 500,000 hertz. We have tested this on a spectrum analyzer. This can account for a significant amount of cell penetration in the body according to these Bio-Impedance tests. The energy that comes from an RF carrier instrument will create a very strong electromagnetic field which can be read with a tri-field meter just the same as a ray tube and these “Bio-Impedance Analysis” tests prove that energy can fully penetrate the cells of the body. I mention this because the many reports on “Bio-Impedance Analysis” discuss RF frequencies up to 1 MHz and the fact that the human body has no resistance to frequencies of this range or higher.

    <As regards our published research on body impact energy, we are in full agreement with your research as regards frequency penetration to the cells. We were discussing impact energy not frequency penetration. Even A.M. and F.M. broadcast penetrate our cells. But what is the impact energy? Is it really sufficient enough cause damage?>

    Here are a few of my questions. Do you have any scientific papers on this “Body Impact Energy”? I have never heard of it before. How do you measure it coming out of the ray tube? How do you measure it in the body? Also how do you determine that it is penetrating the cells? Is your published research, your research, or is it independent scientific tests that have been done in laboratories on EM plasma devices proving they have superior “Body Impact Energy”?

    The reason I ask these questions is, I do not see any scientific information on your site backing up your claim. I am not trying to be negative about EM devices because I have seen too many good results with the people who use them. But if you do have independent scientific tests that substantiate your claim then I would really like to get that information because I believe it would be very helpful. Without this kind of proof, what you say on your web site is nothing but your personal opinion and your claim is still misleading and incorrect. When I first started to talk about “Bio-Impedance Analysis” many people wanted me to send them the scientific proof, which I did.

    <Rife Plasma and Pad devices however operate on entirely different principles of ENERGY transference>

    I do not have a problem with the fact that RF Pad and Plasma work on different methods of transferring energy. But the real question is does it really make any difference? The reason I bring this up is, if it really does make a big difference then the EMEM type of instruments, like pad instruments, have a couple of problems. The first problem is, Rife used RF frequencies output through a ray tube and this is how he found the M.O.R.s that resonated with the organisms. Rife’s method of energy transfer was RF. His frequencies ranged from 139,200 hertz for Anthrax to 1,604,000 for the BX and BY organisms. The second problem is, EMEM ray tube instruments cannot reach this frequency range because they are specifically built to work on EM energy in the low audio frequency range. The energy from an RF ray tube is different than the energy from an EMEM type of ray tube. An RF pad instrument does not use a ray tube so this could be the main problem with them but they can output the RF frequencies that Rife used. Dr. Robert P. Stafford reported that his tests with the audio frequencies on Staph and Strep cultures had no effect on the organism. Many others have done the same tests with the same results. After all of Dr. Stafford’s testing he came to the conclusion that all the audio frequencies did was to boost the immune system. So which is more important the correct frequency or the ray tube? We all may be on shaky ground.

    If the method of energy transfer really matters as I mentioned earlier then how can an EM instrument be called a “Rife plasma device” when it is not built on any of Rife’s original principles. We call our instrument a “Function Generator” not a “Rife Machine”. No pad instrument should ever be called a Rife machine.

    Since Rife did not want his name put on any instrument then the only thing you can call your instrument is an “EM Plasma Device” not a “Rife Plasma Device.” Even if in the future Rife’s method of devitalizing organisms is fully figured out it should never have his name put on it because of his request. As I motioned earlier we removed Rife’s name off of our instrument when we listened to the audio tapes and heard Rife say he didn’t want his name put on any instrument.

    <If a Pad device is demonstrated to reduce the viral load of HIV through a comparitive study great!>

    Has your HIV study been confirmed by independent medical trials. None of the good results that we have seen with people who have used pad instruments on HIV have been verified by studies. So I do not think personal claims are of much value in arguing this point.

    Jeff Garff

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Tigchelaar
    As regards our published research on body impact energy, we are in full agreement with your research as regards frequency penetration to the cells. We were discussing impact energy not frequency penetration. Even A.M. and F.M. broadcast penetrate our cells. But what is the impact energy? Is it really sufficient enough cause damage?

    Having said this, we do not argue with results. If a Pad device is demonstrated to reduce the viral load of HIV through a comparitive study great! We do not have a problem with pad / contact devices. We actually produce a contact device ourselves and have reports of excellent results.

    Rife Plasma and Pad devices however operate on entirely different principles of ENERGY transference.

    We are in favor of both pad and plasma. Both methods of energy transference have their own advantages and disadvantages. We recommend both.


  20. Thanks Jeff Garff:

    Richard Di Nucci (12-23-2013)

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