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Thread: How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

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  1. #1
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Default How Are Rife Manufacturers Compared?

    One of the most important features of this forum, is the independant assessment of a wide range of Rife devices and manufacturers.

    As I have only personally seen and used a few Rife devices, I was left with the problem of how to make a reasonable and fair comparison, that is of use to the entire Rife community. The concept I have decided to implement is as fair as I believe is possible.

    There are a number of aspects that can be compared and I wish to make the method used transparent to all - both manufacturers and members of this forum.

    I will be using the concept that the BBC uses when gathering news: To be unbiased, you have to tell both sides of the story!

    Quote Originally Posted by The questions, for the manufactures, that I
    Please send me a description of your company and Rife products for me to use as a basis for describing your Rife product(s). This should be in the form of a description the readers can recognise as being fair, without having the feeling they are reading some form of advertising. Unjustifiable claims ("We make the world's best...", "Nobody else can do this...", etc.) and criticism of competitors products, etc. is not acceptable and will not be used. Please also supply images of your equipment preferably showing it from all sides. If your equipment has been medically certified, and/or you have run clinical trials, etc. in any way, please provide full details of this, too.

    In order for me to have basic information about each organisation, I also ask you to answer the following questions:

    • Name of Device, Photo(s) of device, Introduction
    • Model No., Description, Type
    • Release date, Made by,
    • Contact, Tel. (Time to call), Fax, E-Mail, Web site URL, User online forum url (if any)
    • Sold in Europe by..., and Price in Euro!
    • Sold in America by..., and Price in Dollar!
    • Sold in (country) by..., and Price in Euro/Dollar/Whatever
    • Special features, Units sold,
    • Certification (medical CE, TGA, FDA, etc.)
    • Clinical Trials (some organisatiosn have already done these)
    • Other trials
    • Testomonials (independently verified?)
    • Claims made, Verification of claims
    • Waveform used, Frequency range, Frequency steps, Voltage range
      Voltage steps, Waveform accuracy, Oscilloscope images of waveform
    • PC Programmable?, User Programmable?,
    • Diagnostic capability (method used)
    • Operating manual available in which languages
    • Any further Comments
    The other side of the story is the response from the users. To determine this, I have looked through the messages posted, in the last 3 years, to the 3 existing Rife lists on the Internet (until recently, all on Yahoogroups). After reading the messages, I then do my best to summarise what I have found on each unit. Additionally, I also take account of messages sent to me privately.

    I have chosen a method that allows the members of this forum to be able to openly and democratically state their true opinion, while remaining annoymous! To achieve this, I am making use of the POLLING feature, of this forum, to ask the users the same questions about each unit on the market! A Poll is basically a message containing a question with up to 10 different answers. Each member of the forum can answer each question once as thay feel fit. Once a vote has been made, it cannot be changed and every member only has one vote for each question. I can assure all members that I will never release details of who voted for what (I will not even investigate this, myself).

    I ask all the members of this forum to vote conscientiously for those devices you have been able to form an honest opinion about. In order to prevent misuse of this feature, you will need to join the respective usergroup for the device before you can vote in these polls.

    I think the above factors will allow for as fair an assesment as is possible and thereby assist people interested in buying Rife equipment to be as well advised as is possible.
    Peter Walker
    Administrator = Rife History and Rife-related Research website = Replacement for YahooGroups with full migration. = New way to improve your cell-wellbeing with an app! = Directory and reviews of Rife related websites = Largest serious Rife Related Online Community = Rifeforum Email distribution on Info. = Health-Related YahooGroups Archives - 70 Groups archived. = New home for the former Rife YahooGroup = Peter Walker's Online Shop for Gadgets = SeeNano Microscope, successor to the Ergonom - Available in 2020 = Star Trek New Voyages Fan-Film Series - Peter runs the website.

    We now live in a world where doctors destroy health,
    lawyers destroy justice,
    universities destroy knowledge
    governments destroy freedom
    the press destroy information,
    religion destroys morals,
    and the banks destroy the economy.
    - Christopher Hedges

  2. Thanks Peter Walker (4x):

    Damien Wiggins (10-05-2010), Gene Waltman (07-05-2017), Richard Di Nucci (12-23-2013), Richard Schmelter (09-10-2013)

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