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Thread: Why we use Real Names for User Names?

  1. #1
    TM: Administrator Chat with me Peter Walker's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Why we use Real Names for User Names?

    Why we use Real Names for User Names?

    We are often asked why we use real names for the username and do not allow pseudonyms or false names (e.g. "John Smith" when this is not the real name).

    Some people write to us about this who are concerned about privacy issues, particularly when considering the past history of Royal Rife. In this topic, we wish to explain this policy in more detail in order to allay such fears.

    When you register to join this forum, we ask you to use your First and Last name (e.g. "John Crane"). If you enter just your first name (e.g. "John") or a pseudonym (e.g. "Rifeguy"), you will not be authorized to join the forum or we will change your username for you.

    Sometimes, new applicants enter a pseudonym or false name anyway and we then update their username to their real name (if available) before approval or otherwise reject their application. There are no exceptions to this rule.

    We do require you to use your real name as a username and we have been asked why we do not allow pseudonyms or false names, commonly used on other forums.

    The reason we insist on real names is that we find it important to establish a serious platform in order to show that Rife technology is based of scientifically based principles backed by real people. By using real names, we show that we are serious about this technology and the benefits for mankind it provides. Additionally, our experience in the past has been that those who wish to join the forum with a false identity often have a disruptive intent (so called "Trolls") and/or are spammers. By implementing the real name policy we have had almost no problems with such elements on this forum which is a great relief to the membership.

    Those worried about using their real name should note the following. Although other members (and only fully approved members can see the membership list) can see your name, state and country, that is all which can be determined. Unless you have a very unusual name, this information is not enough to specifically state which "John Crane" in that state you actually are. Your Email and IP address are not visible to the public or even to other members (just the administrator) providing no method for other members to positively identify you. The Membership list is only visible to full members. All new members are only allowed full membership after being approved by the admin.

    Can People "Google" my name and see my messages here?

    Most of the forum sections can ONLY be seen by other members of this forum. Writing in those will never be seen by Google or any other search engine. The only exception are those forums labeled "Public" where messages can be seen by non-members.

    At the time of writing, the only public sections are: Forum Announcements, Rife FAQ, Forum Polls, Rife Forum Newsletters, For Sale and To Buy.

    If you plan to use our blog tool, you can decide if the contents will be public or not. You can also post articles either publically or for members only - it is up to you.

    Private Messaging and Privacy

    As the email function would send your email address to the member you are writing to, we have switched off that function. You can use the private message (PM) internal mail system to maintain your privacy. As such messages are not sent through the public email system and can only be read online, they are especially suitable for sending private messages.

    We understand the concerns of those still worried about their privacy, yet such concerns are unfounded in this case. If some authority or other organization wanted to persecute anybody in this field, it would be the device manufacturers and distributors they would be interested in, not simple users. All such distributors and manufacturers who are members of this forum use their real name and have never experienced problems through such forum membership. True, some manufactures have been in trouble with the US authorities, but this was due to false claims on their own websites for example.

    Additionally, this forum is based on a server running in Germany and operates according to German law. We have never received any requests to reveal personal data about a forum member to any authority. Under German law, Rife therapy is legal and can be freely discussed in forums such as this.

    Even if someone really was interested in obtaining personal data from our membership list, they would have to join the forum first, revealing their own identity, and even then all they would be able to determine is the name, state and country of the respective member (e.g. "John Crane, CA, USA"). They would not be able to see any IP (computer address) or Email addresses so there would be no way of determining which “John Crane” in CA, USA they are.

    Opting out of the Membership-List

    The membership list can ONLY be seen by other fully registered members, this list cannot be seen by non-members of any kind. For those who are still worried about their name appearing on the forum, they can ask the admin to have their name removed from the membership list. The membership list can ONLY be seen by other registered members, so having their name removed from this list only makes a difference to their ability to be found by other approved members. Not appearing on the membership list means other members will not be able to find them in order to send private messages, etc. However if such members do write a post, then other members reading that topic will be able to see their name (and only there). Of the around 13000 members on the forum (Nov. 2017), only 9 members (only 3 of them active) have asked to have their name hidden in this way. In order to have your name hidden this way when registering, please ask to have your name hidden in the reasons for membership field.

    We hope this explains our policy satisfactorily.
    Last edited by Peter Walker; 11-13-2017 at 01:27. Reason: Updated for vBulletin 4.2.5

  2. Thanks Peter Walker (2x):

    Sarah Brown (05-11-2011)

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