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  1. #1
    TM: Rife Merchant Chat with me Annie Andrey's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Dear Jim and Jeff

    You are both to be so highly commended - for your relentless & thorough research, your honesty and integrity, and mostly, for your willingness to share so unselfishly, for the betterment of ALL mankind.

    THANK YOU from myself, and my fellow country folk who shall, amongst millions of others worldwide, one day, undoubtedly benefit immensely.

    With blessings and spiritual guidance always,

  2. Thanks Annie Andrey:

    Paul Navarro (04-08-2015)

  3. #2
    TM: Rife Merchant Chat with me Annie Andrey's Avatar
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    Question Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Dear Bill

    I truly do not mean to knock your good and kind friend in ANY manner whatsoever, but his statement "he says what he makes are the most powerful units on the market" is one that I, together with MANY others, frequently encounter, and it is statements such as these, which in my personal opinion, are 'sometimes' unfounded (not necessarily in your friend's case of course) that also lead me to make many of the comments and alligations that I do. It is not for self that I have become so vigilant in this arena, but rather, because of an innate desire to protect the innocent, who are most often, the most vulnerable and desperate, with little time on their hands to perform adequate research.

    Another perfect example may be viewed below - again, not wishing to intentionally knock the people concerned, but rather, hoping to encourage ALL manufacturers and resellers to at least think twice before making the often 'outrageous' claims that they are inclined to make, in order to generate more $ales.

    "Our "rife machine" is built and programmed with the actual frequency formats used by Dr. Royal Rife. Built by original rife machine builder , Ron Rockwell, and programmed according to Dr. Rife's exact specifications, this rife machine is the ONLY frequency generator that duplicates the exact output, frequency, and wave formats documented by Dr. Royal Rife and Dr. John Crane."

    The "RPG-900 Frequency Generator"

    "Results may vary; we cannot, and do not make any claims."
    Well, the way I see it, this statement (indicated above) on this website's introductory page, and the other below indicate 'massive', totally unfounded and extremely MISLEADING claims ... in my personal opinion.
    I do however, stand to be corrected of course, and invite anyone to please do so.

    The builder's own words! "NOTE: PLEASE BEWARE OF INFERIOR - AND POSSIBLY HARMFUL - IMITATORS! Our Rife-Crane-Rockwell RPG-900 frequency generator is the ONLY original machine and can only be obtained directly from Rockwell Scientific Research, or this web site."


    "Ron has issued a "Million Dollar Challenge" daring anyone selling these frequency machines to prove that they are using actual rife technology, and to provide any and all related paperwork that gives them legal right to claim themselves as true rife machines."
    Come on 'authentic' guys ... surely this $ challenge (if honoured) will help you to pursue your wonderful work even further! I guess it depends on what "these frequency machines" means to him! ??????
    Oh! And as for any "legal right" ... what of this, may he, himself have, I wonder?

    Last edited by Annie Andrey; 04-04-2006 at 07:39.

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?


    You are right on. You Go Girl!

    Bogus claims do nothing but hurt us!

    Jim Berger

  5. #4
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I am not involved with rife, but as a close friend of Terry Charleston, I wish to inform all, whom had communications with him, that he passed away 2 weeks ago . Cause of death liver failure, stemming from bowel cancer moving onto cancer in the liver, of which most was removed. This inturn required life support to control toxic poisoning of the brain. Terry believed that he had control of the cancer with rife, and truly supported his own theories on the machine. . He told me, he used to run it all night which would stimulate his immune system, to the extent he would want to go and do physical work in very early hours of the morning. One would have to wonder, if this also stimulated the cancer cells. In saying that he may have contributed to his own demise. Sorry for the sad news, but that`s life not rife.

  6. Thanks John Woolley:

    Rob Cassteele (05-18-2014)

  7. #5
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I used a "Rife machine" for breast cancer four years ago and experienced success. I'm now writing a book about cancer treatment options - some of
    which includes Rife technologies. I didn't know him, but I'm always curious
    about the outcomes of others and what may have contributed to his lack of
    success. Sorry for the lack of sensitivity here, but can you tell me which
    instrument he was using? I'm keeping a track record of certain machines,
    so I can guide others to make sound decisions.

    In my experience, there are so many factors involved in the proliferation
    of cancer, and each person is unique in dietary needs, metabolism, and de-
    toxification, it's impossible to know why he didn't succeed. Did the machine
    he was using contribute to cancer growth? It would have to be running with
    frequencies that support abnormal cell growth, and that would be something
    I've NEVER heard of before. Blessings.

  8. #6
    Specialist Chat with me Russell Shipp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Howdy judith.

    I too have used my rife machine on a few people now... May even made one doctor find new faith in god. I use a global wellness. It is ..darn near one of the worst rife machines on the market. Frequencies are masked by channels , it has some silly screw pin device to keep the owner from playing with it, it is oversold saying it can cure things like irritability...... alot of mistakes went into it.

    All that said I've cured multiple people with it. sick sick people...

    I run ozonated water and colloidal silver with my rife machine to give my clients the best possible chance.

    I have saved 3 outta 5 so far... the two I lost were both smokers unto their dying I don't think I will ever be willing to treat another smoker or at least I'll bitch about it the whole time. I am an ex smoker myself so I know they can do it too.

    Also for the record, the only time rife machines seem to make cancer worse is when a discreditor is around... This technology is still suppressed. And we do get detractors here. I do not know if this was the case for Terry and I certainly hope not.. although for being real big into this Terry hardly ever posted here and was real big about rifing the frequency 666 as if the cliche number had special powers... If you rife yourself with the wrong frequencys not much will happen.

    What kind of rife machine did you use for your breast cancer , if I might ask"

  9. Thanks Russell Shipp:

    Judith Dew (05-19-2014)

  10. #7
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I am in a Quite desperate situation since a very good friend of mine has brain cancer (the bigest about 6mm diam.). He had chemiotherapies and radiotherapies but nothing. His doctors give him a month or so and i read about Dr. Rife's revolutionary treatments only this week.
    I seek for an advice for what to do taking into consideration the short time we have.
    Thanks everybody in advance
    Health to you all.

  11. #8
    TM: Rife Merchant Chat with me Annie Andrey's Avatar
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    Wink Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Oh Chris, I am so sorry but it's NEVER too late!

    I'm going to leave Rife info up to those far more experienced to advise here, but in the meantime, feel the need to share some other possibilities which won't interfere with any form of Electrotherapy.

    Visit a fellow member's website:

    Then please also look at what Dr. Howenstine advises here:

    "Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Otto Warburg, discovered that he could produce cancer almost at will by lowering the oxygen level of tissues by 35 %. Tissues with low oxygen content are acidotic and raising the ph with alkalinizing therapy greatly increases the oxygen content of the tissue causing cancer to disappear. As we age our ability to keep our tissues well oxygenated gradually fails making the appearance of a malignancy more likely. "

    Also go to the CANCER thread on this forum where you can find loads more info.

    In the past 4 years, the one 'quickest miracle' treatment mentioned to me personally, involved an elderly lady in Australia, with a stomach full of tumours and given only a month at most to live ... yet 2 years later, when I last heard ... with Cesium Chloride, she was still doing extremely well. There is another similar story to your friend's, specifically involving brain tumours on ... I first have to source it ... watch this space!

    Love, light and loads of Raphael's healing coming your friend's way

    Last edited by Annie Andrey; 10-04-2006 at 20:49.

  12. #9
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Rob Cassteele's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Chris,

    I have been in a desperate possition myself, I found Dr. Clark before Rife, and just started as the book Cure of all diseases tell you.
    I used a frequency generator and followed the advice to use the herbal cure.
    In cases of cancer Clark also advice the use of ornitine, that seem to help shrink cancers.
    The cure of all diseases may be helpfull.
    I do not say you get the cancer cured, but you will see improvement of the condition, and will also see the time left will be lenghtened.
    If you are lucky and use good nutitients, special good quality vitamins C and from the B complex, there is a chance to overcome this nasty disease.
    I have no experience treatening cancers in the brain yet, so for the Rife part, it is hard to tell.
    Nutritients and a polution free diet and surrounding help a big deal.

    Good luck,


  13. Thanks Rob Cassteele:

  14. #10
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    No! Rife machines cure nothing. The value of using energy forms to impact disease is multi-facited. The resonant energy couples with the solidified proteins that are common to pathogens which are absent in normal cells which remain plyable as their proteins remain in a liquid state. The value to the vibratory energy is due to the coupling of that energy to the solid mass of the outer cellular coatings causing disruption and allowing oxygen to enter the diseased cell and destroy it. The Rife machines are simply a tool. Many other factors must be addressed in order to resolve the disease. Diet and nutrition must be corrected and the drainage channels must be opened so as to allow the removal of chemical and biological toxins. The immune system is the only means by which the body heals. Rife technology is only one component to the process. You may wish to look at the power of bloodroot. It has been known to draw out tumors from deep inside the body including the head. Don't be discouraged and by all means, use Rife technology. Just don't rely on it as a single curative solution.

  15. #11
    Bouncing Email Chat with me Rob Cassteele's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    A real Rife could not cure, it could however devitalize disease causing agents.
    Killing disease causing agents can be helpfull curing a disease.

    The actual curing is as Michael already told above here, a combination of eliminating toxins, and good nutritients, and a constant flow of clean water to drain toxins. So the body cures in good conditions.

    There is however no doubt in my mind that real Rife was the best and most helpfull tool in the west, to help devitalizing bacteria and virus that can not be fought off by the body allone.
    That real Rife worked is proven by some others than only Rife.
    This is done by people that understand Rife and what he did.
    In my effort to find real Rife, I have at least found movies of setups that have been able to reproduce what Rife did.
    This is however done with Radio Frequency and real Electromagnetic powers, not with simple square wave generators.


  16. #12
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I have a good friend who uses a Global Wellness machine and swears by it. She has had a very aggressive brain tumor for the past 8 yrs and has stopped it in it's tracks, She is 75 and like an energizer bunny!

    This is not her only tool. She drinks Kangen 9.5 water, watches her diet very carefully, and constantly checks her urine to insure it is slightly alkaline (since cancer can't live in an alkaline environment!)

    She has been told by two separate sources that her tumor is still there but crystallized (in remission). Whatever is working is doing a great job


  17. Thanks John Harris (2x):

    Aditya Tuli (07-21-2015), Russell Shipp (07-21-2015)

  18. #13
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hello John.

    Can you please find out about the model number for the Global Wellness machine?

    Also how much 9.5 water does your friend drink?

    I am doing my research for my Dad who is on oral chemo and really new to this kind of therapy.


  19. #14
    Specialist Chat with me Russell Shipp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I swore by my global.wellness too...and i used many other devices and the high ph water, ozonated. ...rife stuff works great when good protocols are followed.

  20. #15
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hello all,
    I built one similar to the unit he used on me. generator, cb radio, linear,
    antenna tuner, tube. tube is from bill in canada. It puts out approx
    135 watts and changes with frequency. My system goes from 50 watts (not very
    often below 100 watt output) to between 145 and 150 watts. I am working on
    cataracts I don't do it every day just taking my time. My left eye was real
    bad doc said I should have it removed right away and suggested docs to
    remove them. every thing was blurry with left eye now can't read letters on
    forum with left eye but right eye is good.Will do another treatment tomorrow
    will make the forth time not sure how many treatments it will take.


    No meat, coffee or soda

    few ozs fresh carrot juice 2 to 4 times a day

    1000mg Vit "C" every 4 hours as body don'[t use it spits out unused c

    mix these 3 items and drink morning and night one week next week just at night

    4 ozs water
    2 to 4 tablespoons pure maple syrup or black strap molasses
    1 teaspoon baking soda

    I told my friend and he told this guy who the doc's said you have maybe
    3 months to live and in 2 weeks he was back to work.

    his friend had breast cancer but she had it removed and did the first week
    program. Doc said she was crasy for not taking the radition treatment and went back for a check up after one week and doc said she
    had no cancer.

    I learned this from a friend that goes to these $2,000 weekend seminars
    I can't afford to go.
    Was told that a Japanese doc injected baking soda into a cancerous tumor
    and destroyed it instantly baut was told the above.

    Don't know it it works on all cancer but its cheap and worth the try

    God Bless
    William Smith

  21. #16
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    kills cancer cells

    no meat, no coffee or soda
    couple ozs fresh carrot juice couple times a day
    1000mg VIT "C" every 4 hours as every 3 to 4 hour body spits out what it don't use

    twice a day for first week then next week just nights
    2 to 4 tablespoons black strap molasses or pure maple syrup
    4 ozs waterr
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    mix well and drink

    hope this will help someone
    William Smith

  22. Thanks William Smith:

    Stanislaw Chmielarz (12-15-2016)

  23. #17
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I don't know if I said this before but I knew a person
    that can tell you what's wrong with you is by using these little vials
    and was told that I had colon cancer and it was going up in the limp nodes
    and this friends rife machine cured me in 7 days or 7 treatments. I was not
    able to get any freq's from him as he had so many people that came to him
    for treatments he tossed the note books when they were full. After the 7 days
    went back to the person with the little vials and was told cancer free. Now I
    have not heard of any other machine that can do the same. Some take as
    long as 30 days for breast cancer, sounds like a pretty weak unit to me.
    This is a list of the equipmemt in the system:
    atelierrobin signal generator made in canada
    cb radio uniden 510xl modified can also use a 520xl modified
    linear 350 watt
    antenna tuner MFJ 940E with a 4:1 balum installed
    1 inch x 20 inch glass tube with bubble in middle contains 2 gases made by
    Bill in canada.
    astron 35A power supply

    Does anyone know of a system that will get rid of cancer in less than 7 days?

    I sure wish he would have kept the note book as it has freq's that he used
    for a lot of different people and their problems.


    I ordered the manual from Dr Bare in Albuhoqueque New Mexico

    Bare-Rife / Rife-Bare Devices ~ ~ ~
    Bare-Rife (also known as Rife-Bare) devices use a frequency generator, a radio, amplifier and tuner to modulate a plasma tube which is being driven by the high-voltage signal. Because of the cost of components, these systems generally cost between $2,500 and $6,000. They are a radiant device, and are not generally used where one is in contact with the plasma tube. These are our favorite machines. taken from

    I am not trying to nock any ones equipment just stating facts that I know of.

    hope this info will be of some help. I will answer any questions if I can.

    Wm Smith
    Last edited by William Smith; 01-19-2017 at 16:55. Reason: need to add an item

  24. #18
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Don't have a rife machine? this will work

    If I had cancer this is what I would be doing:
    no meat, coffee or soda makes system acidic

    lemon and water makes us alkaline

    1000 mgs vit "C" every 4 hours as body spits out what it don't use every 3 to 4 hours
    couple ounces of fresh carrot juice 2 to 4 times a day
    1 to 4 tablespoons pure maple syrup or black strap molasses
    4 oz water
    1 teaspoon baking soda *mix well and drink morning and night for one week then for one week only at night.

    I received this info from a friend.* Was also told that a japanese doctor injects
    baking soda into a cancerous tumor and instantly its gone.

    I gave this info to a friend and he gave it to a guy that the doctors told him
    he only had 3 months or less to live and in two weeks he was back to work.

  25. Thanks William Smith:

  26. #19
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    we use this protocol , we use baking soda witamin c intraveing injection 25g , 1g liposomal witamin c also , but we want to use rifle protocol also as is most recomended together with budwig diet . I am going to buy gb4000 as is most recomended but i dont know what frequensy to use to kil microbes , if no one know let me know where to looking for

  27. #20
    Specialist Chat with me Stanislaw Chmielarz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Czesc Rafal!
    Look for CAFL list at the internet there are many frequency sets for many cancer types and You may use any other device in addiction to software generator for example FreqGen (dos and win 95), FreX16 or Spooky. For them You ought to have a PC with a sound card.
    Budwig diet works for shure.
    Who is the inventor? This is a man who does not know that everyone says that something can not be done and he just does it .
    Most people are like mice who see cheese but don't see the trap behind it.
    Thinking does not hurt .Stupidity kills .

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