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Thread: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

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  1. #1
    TM: Researcher Chat with me Cindy Charlebois's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer? My father-in-law was helped - PSA from 70 to 4

    My father-in-law, Vern (86 years old), had prostate cancer.

    How did he know? PSA of 30-something, then bone-scan and biopsy (both positive), then a few months (2-4?) later had a PSA of 70-something.

    What did he do? Starting July 23, 2005 he:

    1) Took B-17 daily. First 1 100mg 3x per day with meals, then after 3 bottles were used up he took 1 500mg 3x per day with meals.

    2) Used the RIFE Global Wellness machine daily - ran all the frequencies for Prostate (Prostate Cancer, Prostate Complaints, Prostate Tumor).

    3) Occasionally took pancreatic enzymes, saw palmetto, and "cardifen"

    Within a week or two the back pain he'd experienced every time he swang a golf club disappeared, and he played the rest of the summer (3x per week) without that pain. He now says he "feels great", and has more energy.

    In Mid-October, 2005, the results from another PSA test was FOUR! UPDATE 4/17/2007-I got his medical records. It was NOT four. It was ZERO POINT FIVE (0.5) !!!!!

    He's continuing to take the B-17 and using the RIFE machine daily, although in December we created a customized sequence for him that just does each of the prostate frequencies once. He plans to continue the B-17 and RIFE machine at least until his PSA count is down to zero.
    Last edited by Cindy Charlebois; 04-20-2007 at 05:20.

  2. Thanks Cindy Charlebois (17x):

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  3. #2
    TM: Rife Merchant Chat with me Annie Andrey's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Simply WONDERFUL!

    WOW! This is most enlightening Cindy!

    A very big THANKS to both you and your father in-law for sharing this with us.
    Testimonials are sorely lacking on any related forums so when we have the opportunity to read one, especially as encouraging as yours, it's such a TREAT.

    May your Dad in-law continue to be blessed with both Raphael's and Rife's healing energies, and ONLY go from strength to strength.
    Love and light,

  4. #3
    TM: Researcher Chat with me Cindy Charlebois's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Update on Vern.

    He did a colon cleanse and started feeling much better - he lost some weight, joints felt better, all the normal stuff. He got through almost a month but it was very rough for him because of the often and urgent need to go. Poor guy messed his pants several times 'cause he didn't get to the bathroom quick enough. Easy enough for anyone to do, let alone an 87-year old!

    About 2 weeks ago we found out he was really sick. He was feeling like he needed to go to the bathroom at night almost every hour, when he went it burned, sometimes he felt like he had to go but nothing would come out. He was incredibly fatigued, and felt just awful. He said to Vic's sister that he thought the prostate cancer had got the best of him. We guess that's why he didn't go see the doctor.

    We guessed he had a urinary track or bladder infection (VERY easy to get this when doing a colon cleanse!), told him how easy it is to get rid of that with antibiotics, and convinced him to go see the doctor which he finally did. YES he did indeed have something of the sort (couldn't get a straight answer from him) and was prescribed antibiotics (a Bactrin substitute) and something else (don't know what, but it was for the pain we think).

    The very interesting part about all this is ... Vern told Vic the doctor said to him "You had prostate cancer, didn't you?" Vern said "Yes", and the doctor told him "well, you don't have it now".

    Now, this is GREAT news, but there's not any proof. I don't know how a doctor can tell FOR SURE that someone doesn't have prostate cancer. Can any of you doctors out there enlighten me?


  5. Thanks Cindy Charlebois (5x):

    Deloy Weaver (08-25-2021), Denise Parker (09-30-2023), Diane Wandler (02-26-2018), Paul Navarro (04-08-2015), Shirley Roth (07-04-2012)

  6. #4
    TM: Rife Merchant Chat with me Annie Andrey's Avatar
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    Question Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Cindy, this is truly WONDERFUL news!
    I am so happy for Vern and his entire family and circle of friends!

    However, I just feel the need to point out a 'possible' little TYPING SLIP, which indicates a drug highly controversial for SKIN DISORDERS as opposed to what I THINK you meant, for bacteria such as in E-Coli etc ... which would mean BACTRIM as opposed to BactriN. ???????
    E-Coli in particular is PREVALENT in those who take laxatives, for obvious reasons, and also those who participate in any anal sexual practices. I don't mean to offend nor disgust anyone, merely share my findings.

    Please confirm Cindy, so that I don't make more of a fool of myself here!

    With love and light and celebrations for Vern!
    Last edited by Annie Andrey; 03-30-2006 at 09:38.

  7. #5
    TM: Researcher Chat with me Cindy Charlebois's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I will find out if it's BactriN or BactriM. It may take a couple of days.

  8. Thanks Cindy Charlebois:

    Denise Parker (09-30-2023)

  9. #6
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    Default Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    I had colon cancer. I could press any place on my body and had pain and I could hardly lift 10 lbs of sugar off the shelf in the store to put it in the basket to purchase. Went to see a doctor and he asked me how long ago was it that I had a colonoskapy (sp) lower GI? I said about 5 years ago and when he got the paper with the results his reply was you don't need on but every ten years and that was the end of that so no help from the medical field. Went to a herbalist and what I thought was wrong with me was verified. Went to a friends and he had a rife machine producing between 120 to 140 watt out put believe max is 250 watt should never go above that for a human for treatment. When using a rife machine I highly recommend drinking a gallon of water starting about 15 to 30 min before starting treatment. I do not know the time that I spend for the treatment or what frequency but I had 3 treatments and waited for 2 days and then had 3 more treatments and that was all there was to it, no side effects. Have not been back and its been over 2 years now and to answer your question I would have to say yes and it depends on which machine you are using

  10. Thanks William Smith (4x):

    Alicia Figart (08-15-2019), Denise Parker (09-30-2023), Gheorghe Lita (07-25-2013)

  11. #7
    TM: Rife Merchant Chat with me Annie Andrey's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Can a Rife machine cure cancer?

    Hi Will

    This definitely sounds impressive, and I am so pleased for you, but I'm curious to know exacly what procedures you followed AFTERWARDS, to determine being cancer free.

    Also, it would really help others, if you could somehow ask your friend to let you know the precise frequency treatments that he gave you and also most important, would be the brand and/or model of device that he used to treat you.

    Were each of the 3 treatments 3 runs of the same treatment (set of frequencies), or 3 different treatments? eg. Detox, General Pain & General Cancer or possibly Detox, Colon_problems_general - 20, 440, 880, 1552, 802, 832 (See: CAFL - The Consolidated Annotated Frequency List )
    and General Cancer or others?

    Every bit of information helps, and the more precise, the better, as it saves those wishing to possibly perform the same, an enormous amount of guess work research (although still crucial, irrespective of the source) and thus loads of time.

    Thanks for sharing this Will and looking forward to more ...

    Blessings and congratulations!

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