Sorry to hear about your mother's condition. I hope you use several non-toxic methods to help her recover. There is too much at stake to "put all of your eggs in one basket". Results are mixed with modern Rife devices where cancer is involved.

There are many types of cancer and what frequency works in one case may not work for another. There also could be cases where the frequency is not directly hitting the cancer but may be boosting some immune response.
With the GB-4000 and many other machines you can run sweeps and hopefully some sensation will be felt when you hit an effective frequency. I remember a post here not too long ago where good results were achieved with 666 Hz.

There are quite a few posts on the subject in this forum. Do some searches and compile a list of frequencies to try.

Curcumin, Ginger and Green Tea interfere with the growth of cancer and would be in any cancer program, if I had the disease. I use all three as a preventative.

I hope you can help your mother beat this. Please let us know how it all works out. There are many people here that can make suggestions, but remember that most of us are not doctors or health care professionals.
Just people trying to find a better way of staying healthy.

Best Regards

Dan Bergman