Rife Therapy helps Patient with Pancreatic Cancer
, 12-03-2010 at 06:34 (76101 Views)
Garth had a pancreatic cancer marker of 6,000 and 7 months to live. Garth met with me and exposed himself to his first plasma bulb Rife treatment on September 19, 2010. Within days his doctor told him his cancer marker decreased to 5,800. Garth took more Rife Machine Exposures (RMEs) on September 22. Days later his doctor told him his cancer marker was 2,800. Garth took more RMEs on October 3. Days later his doctor told him his cancer marker was 1,700. Garth continued RMEs approaching 2-3 times weekly. By the end of October his cancer marker was down to 1,050. Using Nenah Sylver's book, "The Rife Handbook", I created a specialized bank of frequencies for treating pancreatic cancer, offered it to Garth who exposed himself to the new RMEs and 2 weeks later, in mid-November, it was down to 596. He texted me yesterday, three weeks after that reading, to tell me it was now 515.
Garth was also doing chemotherapy at the same time he was receiving RMEs.
Garth's pancreatic carcinoma is CA 19-9.