In order to successfully join this forum, please take account of the following notes which have been written to explain the entire process.
Registration Process
- Register: In order to start the registration process, click on the word Register.
- Please Enter Your Date of Birth: You will be asked for your date of birth. This needs to be answered as we have a minimum age for members of this forum. Enter your date of birth and click on Proceed.
- User Name: Always use your First and Last name when registering (e.g. "John Crane"). If you enter just your first name (e.g. "John") or a pseudonym (e.g. "Rifeguy"), you will not be authorized to join the forum or we will change your username for you.
Sometimes, new applicants enter a pseudonym or false name anyway and we then update their username to their real name (if available) before approval or otherwise reject their application. There are no exceptions to this rule. We do require you to use your real name as a username and we have been asked why we do not allow pseudonyms or false names, commonly used on other forums
The reason we insist on real names is that we find it important to establish a serious platform in order to show that Rife technology is based of scientifically based principles backed by real people. By using real names, we show that we are serious about this technology and the benefits for mankind it provides. Additionally, our experience in the past has been that those who wish to join the forum with a false identity often have a disruptive intent (so called "Trolls") and/or are spammers. By implementing the real name policy we have had almost no problems with such elements on this forum which is a great relief to the membership.
Those worried about using their real name should note the following. Although other members (and only fully approved members can see the membership list) can see your name, state and country, that is all which can be determined. Unless you have a very unusual name, this information is not enough to specifically state which "John Crane" in that state you actually are. Your Email and IP address is not visible to the public or even to other members (just the administrator) providing no method for other members to positively identify you. The Membership list is only visible to full members. All new members are only allowed full membership after being approved by the admin.
Please note that if you write a message to another member using the “email” function, that member would receive your email address. To avoid this, you can use the private message (PM) internal mail system to maintain your privacy. As such messages are not sent through the public email system and can only be read online, they are especially suitable for sending private messages. - Password: Enter a password of your own choosing. Remember this password as you will need it to login to the forum.
- Confirm Password: Please repeat the same password
- Email Address: Always give a correct functioning E-Mail address. If the messages sent to you bounce (returned to us with a message like User Unknown, Mailbox over Quota, etc.), we cannot admit you to the forum or even contact you! We normally delete applications that are returned with User Unknown! If you are using some kind of anti-spam system, make sure that Emails sent from are allowed to reach you. Email accounts, registered on this system, are already well protected from receiving unsolicited messages (spam) as we protect our Email database and ask all new members to answer a few questions so that we can determine if they are spammers, etc. WE WILL NEVER SEND ANY KIND OF SPAM TO YOU!
- Image Verification: You will see two words that need to by typed into the box. This is to make sure you are a real person, and not a spammer. See the example here: - Reasons for Membership: Please tell us something about yourself and why you want to join the forum. What you write here is ONLY seen by the admin and is not passed onto others.
Asking for members to introduce themselves before being allowed to actually join the forum is done just to help ensure that the new members are responsible, interested in the forum and not about to misuse our forum to distribute unwanted commercial advertising (spam) or similar unwanted messages to our members. This information is kept confidential and is certainly not passed onto any third parties. - State, Country: Always give your State and Country (e.g. "CA, USA", "BC, Canada", "WA, Australia", etc.). Visitors from other countries just need to give the name of their country in English. As we have members from all over the world, giving your location helps other members determine if you are in an area they can provide advice for, etc.
- Full Name: Please give us your own (real) name.
- Rife Forum Newsletter: We send out a Rife Forum Newsletter with major news about what is happening in the Rife world. This newsletter is free and only sent out a few times a year (we try to send it out monthly). If you would prefer not to receive our newsletter, simply set this option to "No"
- Referrer (Optional): Please give the name of the person who recommended you to join.
- Time Zone: Select your correct time zone so that the forum can show you the correct time for your area. e.g. EST = GMT-5. If you do not set this, all times will be shown in GMT (London, UK) although we usually correct this during the approval process.
- Receive Email: You can determine if the Administrator (recommended) and other members can send you messages via Email. Even if you allow other members to send you Email, they will not be able to see your Email address. You can still be contacted via the internal private messaging system.
- Interests (Optional): Tell us about what interests you in particular, your hobbies, etc.
- Occupation (Optional): Tell us about your job.
- Treating (Optional): Tell us which medical condition you are treating. This helps people trying to help you better understand your situation.
- Do you own a Rife therapy device (Optional): Here you can state if you are using, or intending to use, some kind of electrotherapy device, etc. This is seen by the admin only and may be used for statistics in future.
- Equipment (Optional): If you already have some kind of electrotherapy (or microscope) related equipment, you can list it here. This is shown to all members in your profile and next to any posts you make on the forum. This can help other members understand what equipment you are using which can be useful when device specific questions are asked.
- Speciality (if applicable): If you have a forum related speciality, job or profession, you can select it here. We have listed a range of specialities to choose from. Should you have a speciality that you would like added, please use the Contact us page to suggest it.
Please note that it is up to the member to select a relevant category. This is shown to all members in your profile and next to any posts you make on the forum. This can help other members understand your background while reading your posts. This question is optional and not required for your application. - Forum Rules: Please read these rules, click on "I have read, and agree to abide by the Rife Forum rules."
- Complete Registration: Once you have completed and checked your entries, click on Complete Registration.
- Anti-Spam Check: Every day, we get hundreds of automated attempts by spammers to register an account on this forum. We therefore use the Stop Forum Spam service to check each application against a database of known spammers. This service compares your username, email address and IP address against a list of known spammers. If you are a legitimate person trying to join the service, you would normally not be affected by this check. However, it is possible that by chance you are using the same username or IP address as a known spammer resulting in your application being rejected with a comment that spamming is not permitted. If this happens, you can check why you are being rejected here. The most common cause of a legitimate user to be rejected is if they are using the same IP address of a known spammer. If this happens, try briefly disconnecting your Internet connection. In most cases, this will give you a new IP address which will then allow you to register.
Email Confirmation: After submitting your application, you will receive an E-Mail asking you to click on a link to confirm your Email address. If you do not receive an Email from us within 10 minutes of registering, check you have given us the correct Email address and that our Email has not landed in your Spam folder, etc. If you want us to send you the activation Email again, click here.
- If you are still having problems, you can click on Contact us and send us full details so that we can look into it!
Once you have completed registration and confirmed your Email address, you can login to the forum and read the messages in the forums. However, you will not be able to post new messages until the Administrator has reviewed your application and approved it. This normally happens within 24 hours, in exceptional cases up to 72 hours.
If you wish to change the information in your profile, you can do so at any time by clicking on User CP.

If you wish to receive ALL new messages, posted on the open forums, via Email, you can join the Rifeforum Yahoogroup. However, please remember that all posts have to be made here, NOT as an Email reply to a Rifeforum Yahoogroup message. At the top of each such Email, you will find a "Reply here:" link. To reply to a post, click on that link first to be taken to the appropriate post here on the Rife Forum.
Posting a message is similar to writing an E-Mail. Simply type a suitable subject and then write your message in the white text area (message body). Once finished, you can click on "Preview" to see how your message looks so you can correct any mistakes. Finally, click on Submit and your message has been posted!
That is basically all you need to know, in order to get started using The Rife Forum. There are of course lots of other features to make it all easy to use including an online Calendar, Memberlist, etc.
Additional Questions for Trusted Members.
If you are interested in becoming a Trusted Member, we will need additional information about you. This can be added to your profile after registration is complete here (near the bottom of the page).
- Membership Type: Leave this as "Normal Membership" unless you have reason to believe that you have special qualifications that would entitle you to "Trusted Membership". Click here for more details about Trusted Membership.
- Reference(s): If you are applying for Trusted Membership, you will not to provide us with reference(s) so we can check your eligibility for this status. This can include another Trusted Member, a website you run, specific certification. If you are not applying for trusted membership, you can leave this blank.
- Contact Address: Trusted Members should give us their contact address here, otherwise you can leave this field blank.
Comparison of The Rife Forum with other Rife Mailing Lists
Web based bulletin board or forum systems (like The Rife Forum) work in a completely different way to existing E-Mail based mailing list or list server systems (like Yahoogroups). Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages.
E-mailing lists (like Yahoogroups) are very simple and convenient for the end user, no harder than using the E-Mail program he or she already uses.
The disadvantage is there is little history or organization of past discussions. E-Mails tend to get lost in time and an E-Mail's content is only available to the original recipients. While some lists servers have the ability to keep a history or archive the email messages, the archiving is usually non-intelligent and non-categorized leaving the user with a mass of unorganized messages. Additionally, archiving is only uni-directional, meaning you may only go back and view the archives, which is very frustrating when you have to view a page of advertising every few messages (as with Yahoogroups)! Additionally, using a mailing list exposes your E-Mail address to spammers leading to an ever increasing stream of unwanted commercial E-Mails and viruses.
Web based forums (like The Rife Forum) are very well suited for organized bi-directional discussion. Users may view or contribute to a subject by posting to a new or existing thread of information in any category now or in the future. It becomes possible to sort messages into a wide range of categories and sections and for such messages not to get lost in a long unorganized archive.
Your E-Mail Address
Is your E-Mail address correctly registered in your Profile? If not, you will not receive any E-Mail addresses and may be unsubscribed. We have found that some people have given E-Mail addresses that are returned to us with the comment User Unknown. Although we do try to discover the correct address where possible, we are forced to deactivate accounts that continually bounce. This can also apply to accounts where the inbox is continuously full (over quota). If this applies to you, please change your E-Mail address online in your profile by clicking here!
Failure to follow the above procedure will mean that access will (can) not be approved!
Registration FAQ
I did not enter, or incorrectly gave, my full name, how do I correct it?
If you entered your full name in the field provided, we will correct your username for you.
I did not receive an Email from you after registration!
Then click on Contact us giving details of your registration and we will look into it. Usually, this happens when the Email address has been mistyped or our reply somehow does not reach you due to your inbox being full, use of SpamCop, etc.
I signed on using a SpamCop protected account. How can I now receive messages from the forum?
The easiest way is to click on Contact us giving details of a different Email account that does not go through SpamCop. We will then change your Email address on our system for you. Alternatively, contact your service provider and ask them to add an override for all Emails coming from as that usually works.
I registered correctly and still cannot access the forum!
Have you replied to the E-Mail that was sent to you when you registered? Once we receive your reply, you will normally be granted access to the forum within 48 hours. You are informed by E-Mail when access has been granted.
I have received the message: Account validated at The Rife Forum!, yet the system will not accept my username and password!
Check you are entering your username and password EXACTLY as you did when you registered (see the Email sent to you when you registered for details). Please check your username as given in the Email you last received from us. We sometimes change usernames that do not conform with forum policy and you will need to use the username we gave you.
Passwords are case sensitive so they need to be entered in the same case as originally entered. Usernames are NOT case sensitive meaning that if you registered as Peter Walker, peter walker or PETER WALKER, etc. will also be accepted. If you are still having problems, click on I forgot my password on the login page.
I am a registered member, but still cannot login (on one particular computer)!
This forum uses Cookies (files on your computer that store your login details so that you do not have to login each time you visit) to help you login more easily. However, sometimes, there can be technical problems with your cookies that prevent you logging in. We have therefore installed an online tool to allow you to easily delete the contents of the Rife Forum cookies on your computer. Click here to use this tool. Simply click on the box next to the settings you wish to remove (or all of them) and then on "Delete My Cookies". Once you have cleared your cookies, you should be able to login normally. You can also try logging out then logging back in again.
I applied for Trusted Member status and was only admitted as a normal member!
We need additional verification that you have an established reputation in the field you wanted Trusted Member status for. Click here for instructions on how to apply for Trusted Member status.
I am a Trusted Member, how do I change the category?
You can see a list of possible categories here. Send an E-Mail to the administrator with your request.
Why is it so complicated to join this forum?
There are a number of reasons why we carefully control access to this forum as follows:
- In this forum, the members often discuss personal health matters and that is only possible in an area of trust. By controlling who has access to this forum, we can help to maintain an environment suitable for such discussions
- Based on the experiences of running a mailing list on Yahoogroups for over 6 years, having an open group means that people with a disruptive and negative agenda will join and cause many problems to the members. By controlling the membership, we can reduce this danger and remove unruly members from the forum
- The amount of unsolicited advertising found on the Internet is constantly getting worse. Such advertisers would often love to use forums like this to distribute their spam. Controlling the access effectively keeps these spammers out. Additionally, as the members E-mail addresses are not visible, and the membership list can only be seen by members, this also helps to protect the privacy of our members.
What happens to my registration data?
We respect your privacy and will never pass on, sell or distribute your membership details to any third parties. Further, this forum and its database are stored on a protected server based in Germany. Only the system administrator has access to this database. Click here to read our Privacy Statement.
I hope this helps to clear up any misunderstandings about the registration procedure.