This seemingly simple question does not have a simple answer. I'll try to be concise. If you're using the proper equipment, no, a unit shouldn't harm normal body tissue.

Some "Herx" reactions are actually negative responses to the RF carrier waves that some units use. I have been meeting more and more people who are electro-sensitive and cannot tolerate RF, even if that RF is being used for beneficial purposes.

There are some frequencies that specifically energize the healthy tissues without killing any pathogens. Using these frequencies should make it safe and effective for anyone to be in front of a unit. However, everyone's different. I remember giving a weekend workshop and running an excellent rejuvenating frequency. Everyone loved it, except for one woman. So I turned off the unit. Next time, if this happens, I'll simply ask the workshop participant to move to the back of the room.

Some of you have mentioned blood clots and other scary reactions after rifing. This is why it's a good idea to be able to consult with a health practitioner who's familiar with frequency therapies.

Of course, I'm referring to a radiant plasma light tube unit only. Electrode devices are quite different. I describe all of this in much more detail in The Rife Handbook.

Nenah Sylver, PhD