A real Rife could not cure, it could however devitalize disease causing agents.
Killing disease causing agents can be helpfull curing a disease.

The actual curing is as Michael already told above here, a combination of eliminating toxins, and good nutritients, and a constant flow of clean water to drain toxins. So the body cures in good conditions.

There is however no doubt in my mind that real Rife was the best and most helpfull tool in the west, to help devitalizing bacteria and virus that can not be fought off by the body allone.
That real Rife worked is proven by some others than only Rife.
This is done by people that understand Rife and what he did.
In my effort to find real Rife, I have at least found movies of setups that have been able to reproduce what Rife did.
This is however done with Radio Frequency and real Electromagnetic powers, not with simple square wave generators.
